[quote]orion wrote:
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
[quote]florelius wrote:
Good point HH. [/quote]
If a fresh graduate can teach Algebra or English or whatever, there is no reason to keep teachers who are higher up the pay scale.
So just fire them. They can find jobs in construction or waste disposal, maybe even clerking at Wal-Mart. Anyone with a masters degree in teaching with 20 or 25 years of experience should understand that they can be replaced by fresh grads. They should plan on hoisting garbage cans or working at a Wal-Mart checkout as the endpoint of their careers.
It makes sense from the school’s point of view – save a lot of salary, lower insurance costs for younger teachers. Just fire all teachers over the age of 40.
Taxpayers are happy, parents are happy, school admins are happy…sounds like a winner!!
First of all this is classic rationing, you get a poorer product for the same price.
Public education, socialized health care, socialized garbage disposal, that is what you get every single time.
Second of all, the reason why this is rationing is necessary is in part because public unions have priced their senior members out of the market, or, more correctly, out of the price range the strained tax payers can and are willing to bear.
Create a free market and watch good teachers be treated like rockstars and the rest SHOULD work at WalMart until they find employment that suits them better. [/quote]
IMO this is not a well reasoned post.What you would have ,is people who are not qualified deciding who is qualified .
There is nothing wrong with socialism , it has been part of America since our inception . WE just do not want to give up our free market (which I agree with).
I think the Idea is to constantly strive for a better education system .
No one will treat good teachers like Rock Stars . If you are a good teacher you will have a hard enough time getting a pay better than Home Depot pays .