I just wanted to respond to TC’s Atomic Dog article in the third paper issue of T-Mag, the one about his buddy Randy. I had been miserable at my job for quite some time (managed a health food store), and while a lot of you might think this would be cool, the situation I was in sucked. I kept bitching and moaning about how unhappy I was but I kept on working. Then I read TC’s column, and it really gave me a wakeup call. I decided to give my two weeks’ notice at my job, finished it out, and I am moving to a smaller town in three days where my mother lives who I have not lived with since I was 13 and get to see her on avg. two or three times a year. She owns a bar there so I am going to bartend for a while but in the mornings I am going to be studying for a personal training certification (not ACE either), which is what I always wanted to do and my goal in the next year is to start up my own fitness center there since they don’t have one. Not a huge one like Gold’s, but nonetheless one where you can get a solid workout in, with power racks, thick bars, a rev. hyper machine, Swiss balls, and various other trinkets. I already have most of this so it shouldn’t be too bad. Anyway my point is to thank TC for waking me up, and to the rest of you who are in a crappy job and not doing what you want to do, carpe diem, baby! Take care all!