Target Practice

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"As the firing died down, the family thought their misery was over. But the Israeli soldiers were not finished yet.

“When the soldiers came closer, I thought they will kill me,” said Awaga who faked being dead.

“But they were aiming at my young child,” he said choking at the bitter memory.

One soldier came close to Ibrahim’s body, turning him by his leg and laughing while another fired his gun to the dead boy’s head.

Laughs got louder as they carried the body to a higher place to start their party.

For a whole hour, the father hushed his cries of pain as he watched the Israeli soldiers compete in sniping on his dead son’s body.

"They were using his bullet-ridden, bleeding body as a shooting practice.

“With each bullet, they were humming with words I could not figure out, but it sounded full of rapture. It was as if they were celebrating.”