I read on the Tanita body fat scale box that it will not provide an acurate reading in athletic individuals. Then again, from posts on this board I see some of you are using it. Will it give me any degree of accuracy if I’m 210 and trying to move between 8-12%. Maybe at least relative if not absolute accuracy?
Lots of us have been able to use the Tanita scales with success. Also, I recommend getting an upper end scale with athlete mode and %body fat increments of 0.1%. My suggestion is to use the scale first thing in the morning after you have woken up and gone to the bathroom. I hop on everyday and log my numbers. You can also hop on every night before you go to bed. It is a very interesting thing to see what happens at night. If you do a search, you can find other posts where the science of bioelectrical impedance has been discussed. If you do an author search under my old handle “Jason N” you may be able to find the posts entitled “Jason N: More on impedance devices” and “Mufasa - How’s the impedance scale working for you”. I don’t remember the exact titles but I know that I can find them. If you can’t find them, let me know and I will bump them back up for you. Good luck and please ask more questions if you are curious.
Hey, I have a tanita scale. It actually has an ‘athlete’ setting. I get body fat percentages in 0.5% increments.
It’ll deffinalty let you monitir between 8 and 12. Make sure you get the right model.
Also hydration causes a fluctuation in % so be consistent in your weigh in times.