Hi guys thanks for reading. Very long post btw!
Current situation:
So I’ve been training on an off for quite a long time, some long consistent bouts in that time, started very skinny when I was 18 probably 8st at 6ft, currently 12st at the age of 25, been training hard and consistently since January.
Everyone will probably say I’m too small to have weakness’ but id still like to put it out there, calves and chest are probably the most out of proportion muscle, other than that I’m fairly happy. My chest more so because of a shoulder issue that won’t go.
Some disfunctions I’ve noticed which id like to point out are my body turns to the left if i attempt one leg squat or step up, weakness in right glute?
Left shoulders had a nagging problem for a long time, exasperated by flies, most likely to do with scap/ lower traps and external rotators I feel, with my left shoulder in front external rotations even resting at the top of the movement proves to be quite difficult. I’ve worked hard on my back with rows and pull ups and now it’s probably my best feature and favourite muscle to train. Though I can row 90kg I’ve noticed I’ve got a habit of shrugging my left shoulder so i’m working on that by lowering weight and going for high rep.
Current routine
Push pull legs
Deadlift 3x5-8
Pull ups 3xF
Barbell row 2x10-12
Seated row 2x10-12
Barbell curls 2x12-15
Db press 3x8-10
Incline press 2x10-12
Press 3x6-8
Lateral raises 2x12-15
Push ups 3xF
Push downs 2x12-15
Squats 2x10-12
Leg press 3x6-8
Stuff leg deadlift 2x12-15
Leg extension 2x15-20
Calf raises 3x8-10
Calf raises 2x10-12
Apart from adding calf raises and changing dips to push ups, this routine I copied exactly from a article on myprotein, I wouldn’t have planned the sets and reps exactly same but I’ve not been progressing how I’d like so thought I’d give the routine benefit of doubt and just eat well and train hard.
Before this I did a upper lower 4 day routine with a lot of volume and found it quite taxing which is why I’ve lowered to three days.
Currently look like this with less pump
Any advice on where to go from here would be great. Goals just been standard get bigger and stronger while keeping body fat below 15%