T3h Squirr3l's Training Log

-September 4, 2006-

Back, arms, rear delts, core/neck/plyo:

5x5 Powercleans (1 arm) w/45 lbs

1x15 High pulls (1 arm) 1x12, 1x10 (w/ 45)

1x6 one-arm curls w/ 35 lbs, 1x5

2x9 bent lateral plate raises (10 lbs, done slowly)

core/neck circut: neck bridging then 30 twisting cruches, 30 twisting supermen, 30 crunches, 30 regular supermen

3x4 squat jumps

Notes: I was just pissed off from a few events from an otherwise decent weekend so I hit the iron in the evening when I got back. The power cleans were a bit light perhaps. Maybe it was because I was angry, but I was throwing up the weights fast and hard. I felt a good pump in my back, however.

The high pulls were good ! I decided to do something different from bent rows, so it’s all good. I will do some weighted pull-ups in a bit and add 'em.

Pullups (weighted)
1x5 BW + 12.5
1x3 BW+ 15
1x3 BW+ 15
1x3 BW+ 12.5
1x2 BW

Oh man, my strength was sapped this morning. I…shouldn’t have drank so much saturday night…didn’t sleep much all weekend either. I suppose the anger/adrenaline had big effect of me being able to lift.

" (empahsis on one-legged stuff as I don’t have sufficient weight for back squats/front squats).**"
what do you mean? You said in a later post your 206, thats plenty of weight to do squats. Unless you have a injury of course.

I have done 500 consecutive BW squats, mang. It’s not like I can’t do BW squats, but it just doesn’t build power like I want. It seems to build endurence moreso.
One-leg squatting, much as I hate it, works. My lifting power and explosivness when taking leg shots is up. Well, glute-ham raises and plyos seem to help too.

-September 6, 2006-


1x5x BW+ 20
4x5x BW+ 22.5

Upright rows (cable, wide-grip)

Triceps Pushdown
1x15 @ 45 kgs, 1x12 @ 45 kgs

3x4 Lateral jumps

2x20 four-way manual resitence neck stuff

core circut

Notes: I felt like doing something different for delts. Besides, I lifted plenty heavy and I really haven’t done much direct trap-work in the past four weeks. The dips were almost too easy until the last set.

-September 6, 2006-

75 minutes of wrestling

-September 8, 2006-

Legs !

5x5 Bulgarian split squats:
1x5x25 lbs
1x5x35 lbs
1x5x45 lbs
1x5x52.5 lbs
1x5x60 lbs

1x15 Lunges w/52.5, 1x12, 1x10 (per leg)

2x15 Seated one leg calf raises; 70 lbs.

3x4 squat jumps

Core & Neck work

what weight do you squat with

I use plates in my own secret method. I don’t back or front squat. I don’t have a barbell nor adequate weight. Unfortunatley, 60 lbs was too light for 5 reps on split squats…I assume I could do 6-8 with it :S.

-September 9, 2006-

Wrestling (90 Minutes)


-September 10th, 2006-

Back/biceps/r. delts

3x5 BW close-grip chin-ups

Gironda Sternum Chin-ups (BW only)
2x5, 1x4, 2x3

Fatman Chins aka Bodyweight rows
1x10, 2x7

1x8, 1x6 reps one-arm curls w/35 lbs

1x11, 1x7 Cuban rotations w/ 15 lbs

neck work, core circut and plyos

Notes: The sternum chins I felt in my lats like no other excersice. The fatman chins were harder than anticipated :).