[quote]Professor X wrote:
I personally would never wear a shirt like that. People stare enough as it is if you have any above average amount of size on you. The average person is completely in the dark about their own hormones which makes me laugh when people try to debate about what the “majority” wants in this country in terms of laws and restrictions. For any teacher to request that you take a shirt off for having the name of a hormone on it shows how much ignorance is truly out there. Would she be offended if it read “ESTROGEN”? How about “INSULIN”?
I just don’t need the extra attention. It really makes me wonder why some of you act as if wearing it is such a big deal. Does this mean people don’t approach you about your muscles or training unless the shirt is on? I could see how it could be a conversation piece, but is anyone really wearing it for validation?[/quote]
I wore my shirt to the gym only after the last thread on this same subject (a few months ago). I wanted to see what would happen. The only people who noticed were my friends. They now want one.
I get accused of being on steroids without the shirt, not because I’m huge (I’m not) but because I gained 40 lbs in three years.
I’m still waiting for T-Nation to sell good quality polo shirts with the logo. I would definitely wear those to work. Not to cause problems, but to support T-Nation.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
I could see how it could be a conversation piece, but is anyone really wearing it for validation?[/quote]
I wear mine in support of the website that I read about 4500 times a day. Plus, being a part of T-Nation is being a part of an elite club based on advanced knowledge of weight training. I have had 1 person come up to me and understand where it came from. He also happened to be one of the only guys not using the power racks for shrugs or curls. It is in no way validation of my physique or to draw attention to myself, but an insider statement that I am proud to wear.
I get pissed looking around and seeing all the gym dudes roll up their sleeves to do curls with 20 lb DBs. This T-shirt is my statement of defiance.
Everyone probably has a different motivation for wearing or not wearing a shirt like this. Honestly, just wearing it as a social experiment so you have a good story to write about in a thread like this is a good enough idea for me.
I remember twice in highschool where guys were told their could not wear their t-shirts. One one case it was a shirt with “FUCK” written on it about 50 times (“Fuck this, Fuck that, etc.”) and another time it was a “Sex Wax” surf shirt.
My question is who goes out wearing the t-shirts from tshirthell.com ?!
[quote]John K wrote:
Everyone probably has a different motivation for wearing or not wearing a shirt like this. Honestly, just wearing it as a social experiment so you have a good story to write about in a thread like this is a good enough idea for me.
I remember twice in highschool where guys were told their could not wear their t-shirts. One one case it was a shirt with “FUCK” written on it about 50 times (“Fuck this, Fuck that, etc.”) and another time it was a “Sex Wax” surf shirt.
My question is who goes out wearing the t-shirts from tshirthell.com ?!
My 8th grade homeroom teacher could not understand what Sex Wax was and tried to confiscate my backpack (had a Sex Wax patch on it). I guess he thought it was anal lube…
I was planning to order one because I think the logo is cool and to support the site. But now I think I’ll get a couple of them… I could use a little more conflict in my life!
Not much to do with the site. I like the responses I get. They have always been very posative. The women who see it and like it are definitely a different breed, and the guys that see it and like it are too. Of course some stick figure walking around wearing one like it’s the latest from Abercrombie & Bitch might get some negative feedback.
Don’t have the Testosterone shirt, just the red tribal T-Nation logo. Took the kids to Astrowolrd in Houston last week, wore it and did get a lot of odd looks, only one person asked about it while in line. I think the Testosterone shirts deffinitely casue more of a stir in public. I’ve only had one or two people ever ask about what it meant, aside from the guy from TDC telling me it looked like a gang symbol.
Not to hijack, but has anyone ever gotten any stronger reactions to a t-shirt besides their Testosterone shirt?
Had a Robert Earl Keen “Sonnys going to the Chair” t-shirt that really messed with people. Image looked like a newspaper with a large picture of an electric chair and the lyrics to "The Road Goes on Forever " on it. Got a lot of attention with that one.
[quote]danreeves1973 wrote:
Not to hijack, but has anyone ever gotten any stronger reactions to a t-shirt besides their Testosterone shirt?
Yeah, I have a “Big Cock” T-shirt. It says, “Ever Had Big Cock…?” on the front and says “Big Cock Coffee” on the back along with the logo. It’s from a company in Florida that makes their own coffee. Joe, the owner, sent me the shirt a couple years ago since I had mentioned that I wear my Testosterone shirt around town. He said he’d give me a free shirt if I would wear it. I did and even have a pic to prove it.
My girlfriend hated when I wore the shirt. People would look, stare and freak out all the time. Then they see the back and realize it’s a coffee company! HA!
Hmmmm…I haven’t worn that shirt in a while. It’s gotten awfully tight on me. Maybe I’ll take it out again this weekend. Sounds like I should take the Testosterone shirt for a spin around town too.
When I worked out of Gold's Gym, the She-Bitch owner (50+y/o, boob-job, facelift, tummytuck etc., etc.) HATED my shirt. Total "men suck, women rule" feminist a-hole.
So I cut the sleeves off it and wore it twice as often! She had some moronic, uninformed comment each time she saw it on me.
I just don’t need the extra attention. It really makes me wonder why some of you act as if wearing it is such a big deal. Does this mean people don’t approach you about your muscles or training unless the shirt is on? I could see how it could be a conversation piece, but is anyone really wearing it for validation?[/quote]
its not about being approached, or feeling validated. its about supporting this online community - T-Nation. i think it is a great place for info about something I am into and many others feel the same way.
do people apprach me about traning without that shirt on? sometimes yes, sometimes no… thats not really how i measure my self worth. sorry prof X, not everyone is as big as you. you are the man. there, feel improtant?
Gonna have to get me a Testosterone shirt and check some reactions. I got an Amazing Jonathan shirt that says “Fuck Yeah” on the front and the time or two I’ve worn it out people basically try to ignore it.
Granted it is San Francisco, so the Testosterone shirt is probably 10 times as offensive.
Wow that is so ignorant that you were so harassed over a t-shirt that read, TESTOSTERONE, as if it were a dirty word. Doesn’t the school staff have better things to do, such as lesson plans or teaching classes? This is 2005, don’t people realize that Testosterone is an endogenous hormone!!! That’s going back to the days when it was obscene for a pregnant woman to be seen in public!!That’s as obscene as if it read ESTROGEN, ADRENALINE, NOREPINEPHRINE, PROGESTERONE, HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE, THYROXINE…
Jaw is on the floor.
The legalities realated to a school official asking anyone if they’re using illegal drugs or change their clothing is always something that should be apporached with caution and only if there is good reason. Wearing a t-shirt with a magazine logo that is named after an endogenous endocrine hormone is not enough reason, IMHO.
Unless there is a written school policy against logo/endocrine hormone names on t-shirts being worn on campus, the people employed by your school who approached you in my opinion were reckless, irresponsible, immature, improfessional and violated your rights.
Boys Are Dumb (black tank) - I get the “What if I wore a “Girls Are Dumb” shirt?” To which I answer “They are!” The most common reply people get though is “Men realize boys are dumb. Boys don’t”.
I won’t lower my standards to raise your’s (tight off-the-shoulder lavender T): Mainly get nasty looks from nerdy types.
Rookie (tight baby blue T): “Rookie, eh? I’ll teach you a thing or two.” Looks and comments might have something to do with there being large double zeros across my tits…
Coach (tight pink sleeveless T): “I’ll let you be my coach!” OR “What sport?”
I used to have a Testosterone T-shirt but it’s disappeared…
Too bad T-Mag doesn’t make girls string tanks… Or black, wet-look fabric thongs with the “T” symbol dangling just above the glutes…
[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
danreeves1973 wrote:
Not to hijack, but has anyone ever gotten any stronger reactions to a t-shirt besides their Testosterone shirt?
Yeah, I have a “Big Cock” T-shirt. It says, “Ever Had Big Cock…?” on the front and says “Big Cock Coffee” on the back along with the logo. It’s from a company in Florida that makes their own coffee. Joe, the owner, sent me the shirt a couple years ago since I had mentioned that I wear my Testosterone shirt around town. He said he’d give me a free shirt if I would wear it. I did and even have a pic to prove it.
My girlfriend hated when I wore the shirt. People would look, stare and freak out all the time. Then they see the back and realize it’s a coffee company! HA!
Hmmmm…I haven’t worn that shirt in a while. It’s gotten awfully tight on me. Maybe I’ll take it out again this weekend. Sounds like I should take the Testosterone shirt for a spin around town too.
I guess people forget that boy chickens are cocks.
I once had a fat gas station attendant tell me that I was making a bold statement with my shirt. I told her that it was a web-magazine and to get a grip.
Minor Highjack: there was a thread on getting the Testosterone T in other colors. I want one that has glow in the dark lettering.
My mother hates my shirt, my sister thinks it’s great. My mother has every excuse in the book not to work out, my sister does all sorts of exercise. Go Fig.
I don’t get much commenting on it otherwise.