Here are the standings after Week 13 of the T-Nation Baseball League:
1 Fighting Amish ------------176-100-36
2 N.Y. Knights --------------165-94-53
3 Vroom’s Sluggers-----------156-116-40
4 Flying Monkeys-------------154-120-38
5 Shoshone Arrowheads -------156-123-33
6 Slimjim’s Islanders -------151-127-34
7 Battlin’ Barristers -------149-133-30
8 Boonville What! -----------141-133-38
9 Montreal Ex-expos ---------141-135-36
10 62’ Vette ----------------134-138-40
11 Demolition ---------------140-144-28
12 The Bowlturners ----------131-145-36
13 SWEARITSFLAXSEEDOIL-------128-143-41
14 P&W Screaming Eagles------131-149-32
15 Tecumseh Tornados --------130-149-33
16 Jon’s Jehovahs -----------124-144-44
17 Thunderbirds -------------123-146-43
18 Texas Bobcats -----------122-155-35
19 Flawless Cowboys ---------99-167-46
20 T-Ball ------------------93-183-36
Sorry for the long break in between postings. Hopefully I can at least post the standings every two weeks on a fairly consistent basis.
If I am reading right, this weeks was pretty darn close to the midpoint of the season.