Damn you Rainjack – Damn you and your superior waiver position…
You stole Frank Thomas, and all I got was some sappy email from Yahoo! saying “Sorry, some slapass owner of the Shoeshone Arrowheads who had a higher waiver position STOLE Frank Thomas from you.”
BTW, I also want to note that the Fighting Amish, the team I am playing this week, is the proud owner of the first major leaguer to be bent over under the new MLB steroid policy: THe immortal Alex Sanchez.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
I’m going to do it now because it’s probably going to be the only time this season that I will be in this postition.
Kuz - I own you!!
I will now return to doing taxes.
Seriously, though - I think I have a team full of #4 starters. Thru 2 games I have a whopping 1.2 innings pitched.[/quote]
The week ain’t over beeyatch! I noticed something interesting about the current “score” of the game in that it is a little misleading. It has you as up in several pitching categories, but you do not have 7 innings pitched yet to make it valid. Damn it all.
But geez, can my hitters suck any worse this week? They are keeeeeelling me!
So damn you and your Arrows, rainjack. Now if Miguel Tejada can just hit 7 or 8 home runs today, I will feel much better.
[quote]BostonBarrister wrote:
Damn you Rainjack – Damn you and your superior waiver position…
You stole Frank Thomas, and all I got was some sappy email from Yahoo! saying “Sorry, some slapass owner of the Shoeshone Arrowheads who had a higher waiver position STOLE Frank Thomas from you.”
Damn it.[/quote]
I was wondering if anyone else was going to try and snatch up the Big Hurt. I’ll give him a month after he gets off the DL, and if he’s not swinging the bat to my liking maybe we can hook up a trade.
Kuz -
That’s why I said I was going to do my gloating now, because my hitters will cool off, and my current pitching advantage is very short lived. I just hope I can get 5.1 innings from the rest of my guys before the end of the week.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Kuz -
That’s why I said I was going to do my gloating now, because my hitters will cool off, and my current pitching advantage is very short lived. I just hope I can get 5.1 innings from the rest of my guys before the end of the week.
Back to the tax returns…
Yeah, I know. I am just all grumpy because I am currently down 14-4, regardless of the reason. BAH! Get back to your tax returns, beancounter! I am going to pout in the corner. lol
PS The fact I cannot access any fantasy baseball sites (I have a league on ESPN in addition to this T-Nation one) from work is brutal. I keep thinking I will miss out on some key free agent pick ups.
[quote]atmosphere wrote:
Woo-hoo. One of my guys, Ryan Freel, got charged with drunken driving, careless driving and having an open container in a motor vehicle.
What are points for that?
Between Freel and Bonds, I’m thinking of changing my team name to The Delinquents. . .[/quote]
Vroom, you put up a good fight, but couldn’t close it out. the Bowlturners got turned the f’'k out. That was absolutely horrible. Good thing they aren’t giving extra points to the team that shuts the other guy out cause that was a slaughter.