T-Men/Women In Minnesota

Seeing If Anyone Is In The Twin Cities Area To Start Up A Group Of T-men and T-women. I’m in the Blaine Area But Train At Gyms Around The Twin Cites. Give Me A Shout Out If you Are In This Area! Later- Griffen

I live in minnesota. I am from Andover, which is just a little north of Blaine, but I am in school in Winona. Where do you train? I was at the Northwest athletic club in Fridly.


I train at the Lifetimes and at the Northwests up here in the twin cities, primarily the Coon Rapids Lifetime and the Golden Valley NWAC. Where are you training at in Winona, since the bodyquest is out of biz. - Griffen

Griffin, I train at my school gym, I go to St. Marys, it is not very big, but it has everything I need and I know the head strength coach, so i get some special privleges. I used to drive by that lifetime everyday. Have you ever looked at American Sports Nutrition? It used to be right next to that lifetime, but now is in Fridley, if not check it out, they carry Biotest and if they don’t have it, they will order it.


My Friend Scott Runs American Sports Nutrition. Great Place. Know any other T-Maggers Around?

Griffin, no I don’t know any other t-maggers around. That sucks, but i think I have gotten one or two guys at school started. Yeah, Scott is a great guy, I buy a lot of stuff from there. I don’t think he knows me, but he is a hard guy to forget. Do you know of any other guys around the northern metro? We should get some things going this summer when i am around.

I’m in Rochester.

… and we’re at the St. Paul and Woodbury Lifetimes

Well that makes about 5 of us, that’s a good start, hopefully more will post to keep this alive. Mike you every come up here to lift? - Griffin

Hey guys, this is Scott from American Sports in Fridley. I couldn’t believe it when I was searching the forum today and saw my name and store mentioned! Thanks for the kind words. My training partner “Big Ted” and I would love to help form a T-Pack up here in the Twin Cities. I would be willing to even hold meetings at my shop if it made things easier. DKing, I think I remember who you are. Did I suggest a cheaper alternative to Surge because you were on a budget? If there is anyone else in the area give us a shout so we can get this rolling.

Scott- that is me you are talking about. I am a student and couldn’t afford the surge anymore. The stuff you recommended for me has worked great. I was just in the store two weekends ago, but there was someone else working.
If anybody gets anything together, keep me posted, I still go up to the cities often.

Hey guys, well we have a place, thanks Scott. I think I have a few more guys to join up with us. Scott I’ll be in this week, let’s get this started. - Fred

I’d be very interested in joining a T-group in Minnnesota. I live in Jordan and I train at home. I’ve been training renegade style lately and I love it.

I am willing to join up. Me and Griffin have already started and are doing the EDT training. It is a great workout but I am not sure what I think about the leg portion yet NO SQUATS!!! But over all it is pain * 2…


Bump…Is there any interest in a Minnesota T-Cell? I would love to have a get-together with fellow T-maggers.

Dammit… how the hell did my searching miss this thread?

I’m in minnesota, in the southeast burbs of st paul. Go to the lifetime in woodbury 4-5 times/wk (included child care really helps).

I’m willing to travel to mostly anywhere in the twin cities region for a get together at some point. I could even make daytime on occasion seeing that I work for myself at home. And I have a boat and a great skiing lake just 10 minutes north of me, could have a fun time out there.

Would be interested in most any sports, go carts, gun range, or even just eating.

Hey Anti…I wondered if there were any Minnesotans left here. I live in Jordan, so I’m only about 30 min from you. I would love to get together and do some fun T-stuff. Maybe my wife would come, too. Hopefully more Minnesotans will find us.

btw…I’m going to be golfing tomorrow at Oak Marsh in Oakdale in a Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser tourney…not to far from you.

Anti…Just read your reply in Karma’s post…sounds like our wives are in the same boat

Yeah oak marsh is darn close. The club I go to is only just a couple of well hit driver’s away from that golf course, and i’m just south of that by about 10 miles.

Never played there yet, driven by plenty of times though to go to a nearby stadium seating theatre.

Hard to hit the course much when it requires ~5 hours of kid free time in midday.

When I live in “the cities” about 7 years ago I trained at Twin Cities Gym in Roseville. It was a great top notch facility with plenty of top level BBers and PWers. Now in Las Vegas I’m stuck at 24 Hour Fitnes as they have child care and it is really close.