After reading the training codex a week or two ago i decided to try and design my own routine based on the rules layed out in the article. this is what i came up with. any comments would be appreciated, thanks!
- SS ST Bi Curls 1 Set x6 3131
- SS CGBP 1 Set x6 3131
- SS Inc Compounds 2 Sets x 7 3131
- SS BP 2 Sets x 6 3122
1&2 are one super set, 3&4 are another
Hams - SS DL 2 Sets x 4-6 2232
- SS One at a time Ham Curls 2 Sets x6 3131
- Power Clean and Jerk 1 Set x6 3131
- TS MP 2 Sets x 4-6 2222
- TS Reverse Flyes 2 Sets x4-6 3131
- TS Seated Laterals 2 Sets x6 3131
the whole day is a big tri set
Quads - SS Low Squats 2 Sets x4-6 3131
- SS Jefferson Lifts 2 Sets x8 3131
- Lunges 1 Set x6 2213