[quote]heretorock wrote:
BBB, you are not wrong, even if I read a lot, I still need to read more on esters.
I take note on your proposition for doing ED instead of E3D for test P. What concerns me a lot is that I have a personal trainer that I trust, and he suggested me 2 times per week for test P (he did not want me to do water retention) and I brought it to E3D by myself, so I’ll have to adjust.
My cycle is like this
Start date is May 1st
Test P 100mg E3D (ethylformate)
Winstrol 50mg E2D
Equipoise 250mg 2 time per week
Proposed PCT is HCG 2,500 ui E4D (4 doses)
On top of that I have HGH 3.3 ui per day (6 days per week)
I am 39 yo, 280lbs, 24%BF
Any advice ill be greatly appreciated, it is still time to adjust.
Thanks in advance[/quote]
DITCH that trainer NOW. Shit man - kills me to hear this shit.
Prop has a half life of 2 days… so how on earth can 2x/wk injects or even 3x/wk injects be frequent enough to keep levels near peak dosage??! They cant.
EOD is the bare minimum frequency for a propionate ester… and it is worth noting here that the more frequently one injects the less water they will retain! Bonus eh?
PM me if you want a detailed explaination on why - i cant be fucked right now.
If you used 500mg/wk instead of 300mg plus the eq and winny, you would see more results and little extra water - as long as you inject daily (75mg/day) and use an Aromatase Inhibitor… FYI.
Winstrol NEEDS to be injected daily too… it is esterless and rapidly absorbed.
HCG used after a cycle at that dose will further inhibit recovery and is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE TO YOUR GOAL OF FAST RECOVERY! Sad that a guy like your trainer gets business.
Wait till i get my site up and running…