I first just wanted to give a little shout out to TT. Great posts as usual. Nice to see you back and going strong. Seemed for a bit you were a little quiet, now I am hard pressed to even find a thread you have not covered to completion. I love it. 
Now I will try and help out a bit and bat clean up. Being sure TT will chime in on anything I miss.
Answeres will follow a *****
[This is kind of long, which I apologize for, but I bet I’m not the only person who has these questions.]
****** No need, that is what the forumn is here for. Share and share alike.
I’m a little confused by the various interpretations of the T-Dawg2 Diet. You say that you calculate your protein intake per day as LBM x 1.5g, but the diet description says, “suggest you get about 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.” So should I multiply 1.5g times total bodyweight or just lean body weight?
This is actuallt the great thing about T-dawg. It versitility. It’s ability to fit everyone with minor tweeks. Some do use 1.5 x body wieght and others use LBM. You have to simply find what works for you. I find it even easier to simply go for 1g per lb of bodyweight while I am, cutting. I go up to 1.5-2 while bulking/maintaining.
Another thing that has confused me is they say to calculate your total calories as “multiply your bodyweight (in pounds) by the number 15” and they go on to say “a 200 pound man would eat 3000 calories a day.” We’re also told to have 100g of carbs on WO days and 70g of carbs on non-WO days. Are we supposed to eat the same amount of calories on WO days and non-WO days? If so, then I have to make up the reduction in carbs by increasing fats, right? Because the amount of fat calories is determined by taking the total calories minus the carb calories minus the protein calories and I’m assuming the protein calories stay the same for WO and non-WO days.
*******You have to simply find what works for you. I myself am like TT and find that using LBM gets me where I need to be losing at a rate of 1-2lbs a week NO MORE. Important to protect that LBM. So I would say start with using total bodymass. Give that a two week run and look at the results. If you are not losing the 1-2lbs of fat change it up. Unless you know your maint. k/cal intake then I find it just as simple to go 500 a day below that level.
**** This is the BIGGEST/most important thing to grasp on the whole diet. The timing and amount of carbs. Rpughly you have it correct. The way I go about the whole diet is I take in the same k/cal level day in day out. With the only thing varying being the swing in carbs and fats on w/o and non w/o days. You can roughly replace 2g of carbs with 1 g of fat, or vise versa.
However, in an earlier post above you said that you keep the protein AND fat calories the same for WO and non-WO days.
One more question: If you weigh more than 200, should you increase the 100g/70g carb limits since the total calories will increase? Example: 240 lb man is supposed to eat 240 x 15 = 3600 calories and 1.5g x 240 = 360g protein. If he eats 100g carbs on WO days, that would mean he would have to eat 1760 calories of fat or 196g to reach the 3600 cals for the day. If you adjust the 100g carbs by the ratio 240/200, it comes to 120g carbs and 187g fat.
***** yet another area for variance. While it really is not true T-dawg if you change the carb levels, this isanother area that can be changed to fit the person/ and goals. So yes you could raise the carbs a bit if you function better on 120. You simply need to test it out give it a two week trail period and see how it effects you. If you have better gym performance and keep losing fat then by all means do it.
****** The original layout of T-Dawg is great and will work for everyone. That is not saying that you cannot tweek it a little here and there to make it work even better for you and your goals. It is all about KNOWING your body and how it reacts. All these variables and such can seemingly get very overwhelming to some who just start the plan. I suggest simply following the Diet to a T. Check the results and if you think some tweeks may help do them ONE at a time. Giving each ample time to see the true result. Atleast 2 weeks.
If you or (or Chis S. or TC, the diet authors) could clear this up, I would really appreciate it.
***** I am neither nor any of these ppl but hey, I figured I would give it a go anyway.
Hope that helps,