These are aimed at TC, Shugs, Tim and anyone that has successfully lost fat/maintained muscle using this diet.
(1) Are there routines that complement the diet better than others? I typically use compound exercises only utilising a 5x5 or 6x4 system. I have recently incorporated a number of Coach Davies’ excercises into my routine, these are performed for high reps with minimal rest.
(2) I have to train first thing in morning. I wake at 5:45am, drink a serving of Grow and train at 6:30am. Can you recommend a pre-workout meal/drink for me whilst I’m on the T-Dawg?
(3) What is the typical caloric value of a 1000mg capsule of fish oil?
Thanks in advance guys and keep up the good work.
Coach Davies (if you read this) - The hybrid bodybuilding/functional strenght routine you suggested is going fantastically well, I've never felt so pumped in my life! I'll give you a full update after a few weeks.