T-Dawg Diet Questions

These are aimed at TC, Shugs, Tim and anyone that has successfully lost fat/maintained muscle using this diet.

(1) Are there routines that complement the diet better than others? I typically use compound exercises only utilising a 5x5 or 6x4 system. I have recently incorporated a number of Coach Davies’ excercises into my routine, these are performed for high reps with minimal rest.

(2) I have to train first thing in morning. I wake at 5:45am, drink a serving of Grow and train at 6:30am. Can you recommend a pre-workout meal/drink for me whilst I’m on the T-Dawg?

(3) What is the typical caloric value of a 1000mg capsule of fish oil?

Thanks in advance guys and keep up the good work.

Coach Davies (if you read this) - The hybrid bodybuilding/functional strenght routine you suggested is going fantastically well, I've never felt so pumped in my life! I'll give you a full update after a few weeks.

  1. As I’ve written several times before, I really don’t think the training program you do while dieting is all that important, the diet is. Sure, you should be lifting weights, but the specific way you do it is not that big of a deal. If your diet is on target you’ll drop fat, regardless of the specific manner in which you lift weights. That said, I wouldn’t exactly adopt a powerlifting routine while on a diet and I’d probably take shorter rest periods. Coach Davies’ stuff sounds fine to go along with the T-Dawg. (BTW, if I were writing the T-Dawg today, I’d have a full serving of Surge post-workout. Yes, you can still drop fat with that load of carbs, as long as it comes post-training.

    2)If you’re forced to train early (which is not optimal, but we do what we gotta do) then I suggest liquid protein pre-training. A scoop or two of Advanced Protein with water would be great since it’s low carb. Yes, Poliquin once suggested steak, but I tend to keep reality in mind when I make suggestions.

    About 10 calories.

    Hope that helps.

Thanks Chris.

I intend taking a serving of Surge following my workout. I’ll mix up some protein and flax as a pre-workout meal.

You say that training first thing is not optimal and I’ve read this before. Can you expand on this as I’ve never seen an explanation before.

Thanks in advance.

thanks, comments like that make coaching worthwhile. If I can ever help just ask. In faith, Coach Davies