You know what really gets frustrating? When you don’t live in a major metro area and local Physicians and even Endocrinologists think that low testosterone isn’t a real issue. I’ve seen three doctors now none of which have any idea how to treat this. I continue to try to go to different docs and my usual Physician I see is growing frustrated I keep asking for referrals.
I’m 32, my legs, back, ache terribly and I feel 60. They keep saying because my FREE testosterone is in range the total LOW number (200) and estrogen at (37) doesn’t matter. There is no way feeling like this is normal. I can’t live on Aleve. Hoping a clomid/AI may work for me as I don’t want to shut down the boys as wife wants another child someday.
Thinking about moving on to find a new Physician. Finally found a local doc that specializes (urologist) in TRT and hopefully he can shed some light on this.
Do you have lab results to post? They are right by most accounts that your free T is what affects how you feel over your total T. However, to have adequate free T with a low total T you likely have low SHBG. Your E is high by most ranges, but we need ranges on your labs to confirm. Either way you look to be a borderline case which means most docs will brush you off. Lets see those labs!
Free T is important but total T also mean higher bio T. If one has good free T and bio T we can assume that the problems are not T related. TT at 200s is just very low! No matter free T.
Please read these stickies in 2nd post of 1st forum topic.
Advice for new guys
Things that damage your hormones
Protocol for injections
Finding a TRT doc
FT is released in pulses, so labs do not indicate average levels.
Hello… I really could use your help. I’m desperate please. I had a blood test and came back with high estrogen. It was at a “49” I’ve taken 0.5 mg 3 times a week last week. And I felt a bit better but today I don’t. How do I does it? Please help…
Hello… I really could use your help. I’m desperate please. I had a blood test and came back with high estrogen. It was at a “49” I’ve taken 0.5 mg 3 times a week last week. And I felt a bit better but today I don’t. How do I does it? Please help