Swelling in legs feet ankles

I’m week 8 test-e 500mg per week, split 250mg every 3.5days.
I stopped doing cardio this week, usually walk for 30-40mins on incline 10% I do 3-4km per session

Last couple days my legs feet ankles have swollen up, not sore but water retention somthin hectic…

Wat can I do to combat this? I read consume less sodium ECT…
If I drink shitloads of water to flush myself out and go back to cardio every second day will this resolve the water retention issues??

Please advise

Thanks guys n gals

See a physician.


I had similar swelling. Turned out it was caused by blood clots in my legs and I found myself in the ER with a pulmonary embolism. Seeing a physician is good advice.