SUSTENON in 2on/4off ?

Has anyone tried a single large dose of Sustenon on day one of a 2 week cycle? What were your results? How much did you take? Did you take anything else during the cycle?

I am also interested if anyone has tried this. Anyone?

I have done two short two week cycles with one dose of sustenon. The firest I used 4cc the first week and androsol every day. I had no problems with bringing hormonal levels back to normal just using tribex500. The first cycle I gained about 7-8 pounds and retiained 4 pounds. The second cycle I used 8cc and androsol every day with even better results. 11 pound gain and retiained about 7.

How much Androsol did you use per day? Did you use the redi-ject 250 version of Sos or the 100mg Sos? Also I am not familiar with how many milligrams total test in each cc of Sos so could you tell me how much Sos you used in terms of milligrams?Thanks.

T. I used 4 and 8 1cc rediject from mexico. 1cc=250mg, 4cc=1000mg, 8cc=2000mg. I used 70 sprays per day of androsol both cycles.