Surge Serving Size???

The label states the serving size for a 200+ pound person is 4 scoops. That would mean 60g carbs and 30g protein. But according to John Berardi I should be getting 80g carb and 40g protein pwo. Does this mean I should be taking 5 scoops for ~77g carbs and ~41g protein?

Well, what’s your goal?

If you’re trying to drop some fat, use the label recommendations of 4 scoops. If you’re trying to bulk up, start out with 4 and you can always work your way up to 5.

Bulk-up but if I need 5 scoops per server to get the idea amount of protein then I’ll be looking at a different product because the cost will be too high.

[quote]mickdigler wrote:
Bulk-up but if I need 5 scoops per server to get the idea amount of protein then I’ll be looking at a different product because the cost will be too high.[/quote]

Then go with 4. You can pick up the extra calories in the meal following your workout.

Once you train with Surge, you won’t want to train without it.