Surge, different question

First I want to Thank MB Eric for telling me where to get Biotest Products in the city (even if you were a block off). I haven’t been there for a bit since I only needed a few products, but I wanted to ask if you’ve seen surge there. When I went, they didn’t have it, but I don’t know how often they re-order products. Thanks. Also, did you find a solution to the chin-bar dilemma?

Heya Bomber. Yeah, I knew it was in that general vicinity, but hey, you got some surprise cardio in! I haven’t even checked surge out yet, but considering they stock Biotest stuph you should ask them if they can order it for ya. As for the chin-up bar dillema I’m still in limbo (no, not you Timbo) But may wind up getting the Impact Sports model. Lately at day camp I’ve been doing chin-ups on various playground equiptment while the counsellorettes stare, eyes agape and salival glands active. Lata.

“MB Eric: Your sourse for systematic senselessness since 1777.”
