Hi, I just started cycle D-bol and Anavar. Plan is to do 8 weeks 20 mg each ED.
I havent take any steroids for 8 yrs now and I never been a mega doser too, hence the dosage which looks probably funny to most of you today.
Anyway, I have HBP and very 1st day it went pretty high !
My schedule is 10 mg D-bol in the morning and mid day, then 10 mg Anavar afternoon and evening.
Yesterday was my 2nd day and I took only one 10mg dose of D-bol in the morning, my pressure rised so I wanted to call it a day and stop everything altogether.
But now I am wondering, I have Shilajit capsules and Boron.
Shilajit is pretty known to lower BP.
Anyone used supplements like Shilajit or Boron DURING the AAS cycle?
I used to take lots of liver and prostate support along, so it make sense to me.
Thank you.
I know this isn’t the question you asked, but do you really think trading in 20mg Dbol and 20mg Anavar for all of your natural testosterone its a good trade off?
My suspicion would be that your natural testosterone levels would be more anabolic than 20/20 dbol and anavar. Not to mention you’re gonna feel like shit with no T surely?
Where’s your base? No test?
Thanx for replies guys,
yup, no test, just old timer’s cycle - few tablets a day.
probably will stop it, feels jittered and red in face.
If you have bp issues then dbol is not your friend. You should be able to run the anavar much higher without an issue, but I would strongly urge you to reconsider the whole thing.
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