Supplements You Couldn't Live Without

Haha, hey all :slight_smile:

What kind of supplements do you die for?

For example: you’ve never had such and such until now, and, ever since you’ve been taking it, you’ve been eating it/drinking it like it’s a lifeline.

I’m just interested in what I should be taking, because, as of now, I am not :stuck_out_tongue:

Fish oil, Calcium, and protein. Staples in my book. I cycle on and off creatine year round. Lately I’ve found the a conccotion(sp) of 500g magnesium, 1000g of Vit C, and 500 mg of calcium has me sleeping very deeply.

I’m short changed this month and have to ration my SWF and Surge Recovery thru Oct. I have just enough to get me through till Nov. I had to replace my normal Whey Isolates with Walmart whey. It really sucks but I’ll end up in a much better situation with the current plan I’m running.

In 28 days the first supp in my cart will be Original Surge Recovery. Followed by Isolate, fish oil, creatine, SWF, and BCAAs. In that order, I have enough of all to get me through Oct. I’m just a little short on Surge.

Surge Recovery because it taste so damn good!

Green tea in the morning with fish oils/multivitamins one off, two weeks on
Dymatize protein powder
Cycle between Muscle Science Xplode and SHOTGUN

Most importantly, eating clean all the time :slight_smile:



i’m pretty sure i would survive without any supplements.

however, i would rather not part ways with protein powders, Power Drive, and ZMA.

[quote]E99_Curt wrote:
i’m pretty sure i would survive without any supplements.[/quote]


I take whey protein, fish oil, and creatine mono year round.

My staples are protein powders, fish oil, vitamin D and creatine.

protein and fish oil

Fish Oil, Green Tea, Vitamin D, Protein, ZMA, Creatine…

Wow, that’s more than everyone else so far. I feel greedy :frowning:

Supplements I cant live without… isn’t there a reason why they are called “Supplements” as oppose to “Necessities”

But i guess Fish Oil in the spirit of playing the game

[quote]Dihydroxymonoxide + Steak =[/quote] 12 week super program