What would be the most beneficial supplements for gaining pure strength (3-6 rep range)? I’m thinking of taking Ribose c along with Tribex to start with.
I’d appreciate any assistance.
A good supplement (not really a supplement but an illegal concoction) to increase strength would by Finasol, which consists of Biotest Androsol with Trenbolin Acetate, added. For more information search T-mag site.
Ive tried Tribex and had some good success. Strength wise I think Creatine works good, though I do get about 5 lbs. of water everytime I use it. But by far the best was “androsol”.
For pure strength only without any effect on muscle mass anything that stimulates the nervous system. As far as hormone boosting goes heavy androgens will do this and many strength training athletes take them for this reason only along with other nervous system boosting drugs. Also ephedra, caffeine, etc. will help the avg. trainee recruit more muscle fiber. For a good overview try the suggestions outlined by Poliquin in his article on preparing for the ultimate workout.