Hi everyone , I am going to order from T-Nation soon.
I am 16 years old.
What is safe and not safe or recommended for me to take ??
Power Drive
Thanks a lot
Hi everyone , I am going to order from T-Nation soon.
I am 16 years old.
What is safe and not safe or recommended for me to take ??
Power Drive
Thanks a lot
[quote]rZ_ wrote:
Hi everyone , I am going to order from T-Nation soon.
I am 16 years old.
What is safe and not safe or recommended for me to take ??
Power Drive
Thanks a lot[/quote]
The ZMA and perhaps the Power Drive are the only two I’d feel somewhat comfortable with a 16 year old using them.
Now, having said that, I’d honestly suggest that you instead invest your money on a multivitamin/mineral and a good protein powder like Grow! if you’re not getting the protein you need from whole foods. Other than that, utilize the training and nutrition programs here on T-Nation and be consistent. After a few years of having implemented those basic things, only then would I consider adding the other supplements.
Listen to Cy. I think all the staff here would tell you the same thing. At 16, take advantage of your youth and natural T production, you don’t really need alot of anything else. Read all you can about proper nutrition with whole foods.
Only supp you should probably need is Grow! to up your protein intake. This site has tons of information as far as nutrition goes. Read up on the John Berardi articles to find out what you should keep in your kitchen. I would have loved to have this resource at your age if I was weight training. Good luck.
Eat lots naturally - at the most supplement with protein supps, anything else at your age is a waste, save your money.
Food, Food, and Food. If you live with your parents take advantage of the fact they are buying the groceries. In the future you will wish you had a subsidized meal plan.
just like to add when i was 16(i just turned 17 8 days ago) i took
Power Drive (generic type though)
psychotropin(mood enhancer)
basic shit(protein powder, vitamins)
and sesathin
but that doesnt mean you should.
I would second the protien and ZMA.
I’m 15 and I take the “basic shit” protein powder and Mega Man supplements.
Right now I’m benefiting off my parents, eating a shitload of chicken, beef, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, and tuna. I’m not paying for it (I pay for my Mega Man stuff), so its good.
Definitely ZMA. Aside from that just eat clean and have fun and don’t take it too seriously.
Oh, and you should be taking the lower dose of ZMA that women take until your 18, 2 caps a night.