I thought it was pretty good. Some things kind of got to me like the lack of the Justice League and other super heroes and the voices but otherwise I thought it kicked ass. Got the link off another message board so I can’t take the credit but…
Thanks a bunch man, I love the fact that it’s available in downloadable format and the .AVI looks great.
just watched it… it’s bangin, thanks for the link… now if someone can only do that for the avengers vids on DVD.
Sweet find…thanks for the link
Just watched. Dayumn! That was good story! That script would transfer to live action very well. thanks for the link.
[quote]skidmark wrote:
Just watched. Dayumn! That was good story! That script would transfer to live action very well. thanks for the link.[/quote]
What saddens me the most is good stuff like this gets the “straight-to-DVD” treatment, while crap like Superman Returns is up on the big screen.