[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
horsepuss wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
horsepuss wrote:
Well I have never take it but I read about gear contanstantly and all I read is Anadrol is harsh.Now that being said, It doesnt mean you have to run a hight dose of it or even a moderate dose.
Any steroid that gives the size and strength gains that anadrol will is gonna have some serious sides but im a firm beleiver that if you just take less than what is recomended those side will deminsh quite a bit.
Since were speaking of strong steroids I have allways wanted to run Test Suspension but this is the same as far as sides.Ive wondered if this would be good to use for a frontload into cycle of say test E.
Please refrain from spreading ‘bro knowledge’ in this forum.
please explain bro knowledge.
@Bro knowledge’ is the word of mouth mis-information that tend to be spread around by people who don’t actually know what they are talking about, but instead just parrot what they have heard, without bothering to establish whether it is actually true or not.
Fair enough I suppose when the topic of discussion is a particularly thorny AAS-related topic such as progesterone-induced gyno (if there is such a thing, Vs prolactin or estrogen-induced gyno.
However when commenting merely on the effects Vs side effects of a steroids, one should ideally know what one is talking about if one wants to contribute to useful discussion.
You said : Well I have never take it but I read about gear contanstantly and all I read is Anadrol is harsh
If you’ve never taken a common steroid like anadrol then perhaps you should refrain from offering advice, especially when that advice is poor quality, such as ‘everyone say it is harsh’, which in my experience is not really the case, and is, at best, subjective.
You said: Now that being said, It doesnt mean you have to run a hight dose of it or even a moderate dose.. Define high, define moderate. If you’re going to take a steroid that is specifically used because of it’s great potential, then why run a ‘less than moderate dose’?
Other things you say are either stating the obvious or completely false. Especially this: I have allways wanted to run Test Suspension but this is the same as far as sides No it isn’t. How can test have the same sides as anadrol, two completely different compounds?
Yes you did catch me on a bad day, but even so, your post was full of inaccuracies and heresay, and that just lowers the quality of the forum, sorry.
I didn’t mean to offend you, though I can see how you might have felt that way.
No offense taken bushido and your point is well recieved.I havent taken Anadrol or test sup but am interested in both.I am going off info read online and in the anabolic handbook.I still stand by my thoughts on sides as far as lowering the dose should lower the sides, and i wasnt implying that test sup had the same sides as anadrol just the fact that they both can create nasty sides at high doses.
I think any steroid anabolic or androgenic that will add mass and strength rapidly is gonna have the potential to have nasty sides if precautions arent followed.
i will try and keep the “bro knowledge” to a minimum in the steroids forum from now on.