So to start I had begun a cycle like 10 weeks ago, probably my 5th cycle I’d say. I ran 250-500 test and 10-20mg Superdrol daily for the last 4 weeks of the cycle. I gained a few lbs of muscle definitely from the Superdrol. Now I had another 2 weeks worth of Superdrol laying around after my 8 week cycle. I’ve been waiting for my test e to come in the mail for a while now, so I decided to solo my Superdrol 10mg ed for these 2 weeks I’m waiting. Now one thing I will say, Definitely a synergistic compound with test, but I will say soloing this compound despite possibly running estrogen through the floor or fucking with my cortisol sometimes, has been easily the best solo oral I’ve done. My libido has skyrocketed even more I’d say than when I was on cycle which is extremely weird. Maybe the left over test is slowly clearing my system. Who knows but just being on 10mg of Superdrol it’s not super noticeable in the gym, definitely look like a superhero though from the pumps, but my libido is just making me think about girls 24/7. Not sure if anyone here has had a similar experience. The lethargy isn’t nearly as bad as people say, my appetite feels fine, my only side effects probably is after the high I feel hours from taking Superdrol, my dopamine or something feels a little off. Let me know what you think
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I’ve experience similar taking only 10mg 4x per week (workout days). No that wasn’t anywhere close to optimal and I do m,uch better w/a test base. However, (legit) superdrol is an extremely power compound which works to some degree at very low doses.