Sumo DL Help

Here’s a vid of a 613 pull from Saturday. Long story short, my form is horrible and sadly is much better now than it was a year ago. Think about the big picture and you can develop good habits now so that you don’t end up handcuffed to bad technique like I am.

[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:

Here’s a vid of a 613 pull from Saturday. Long story short, my form is horrible and sadly is much better now than it was a year ago. Think about the big picture and you can develop good habits now so that you don’t end up handcuffed to bad technique like I am.[/quote]

Which shows that for some people, doing a conventional pull with feet outside the arms works (“modified sumo”) just fine. You seem to be doing great, and obviously it worked great for Ed Coan, and not to say that OP doesn’t have a problem with his starting position, but you sure see a lot of people describing your style as problematic when it is a weaker lifter doing the same thing.

Good Thread, Im a convetional puller but have decided to pull sumo in my “off season” to help strenghten my weaknesses of my conventional pull. I am struggling to say the least, for years, you hear how Sumo is somehow cheating (not as much anymore) I cant see how this is cheating as its exremely hard for me.

[quote]MattyXL wrote:
Good Thread, Im a convetional puller but have decided to pull sumo in my “off season” to help strenghten my weaknesses of my conventional pull. I am struggling to say the least, for years, you hear how Sumo is somehow cheating (not as much anymore) I cant see how this is cheating as its exremely hard for me.[/quote]

Only people who claim it is cheating are people who are not proficient at the lift… Other wise they would be doing it lol

[quote]grappling_hook wrote:

[quote]HeavyTriple wrote:

Here’s a vid of a 613 pull from Saturday. Long story short, my form is horrible and sadly is much better now than it was a year ago. Think about the big picture and you can develop good habits now so that you don’t end up handcuffed to bad technique like I am.[/quote]

Which shows that for some people, doing a conventional pull with feet outside the arms works (“modified sumo”) just fine. You seem to be doing great, and obviously it worked great for Ed Coan, and not to say that OP doesn’t have a problem with his starting position, but you sure see a lot of people describing your style as problematic when it is a weaker lifter doing the same thing.[/quote]
Yea, that’s a fair point. I always label it a modified sumo in my training log and on youtube anyway.

Unfortunately it’s just not a well-known technique, so people tend to think it’s wrong. There’s Coan with one of the great pulls of all time, so it should get a lot of respect just on that alone, but I can’t think of a single big puller outside of Coan who does a modified technique.

I definitely think it has value for people with sketchy mobility and who want a better floor break without going to a conventional pull. Might be good for the OP to try.

I use sumo but not a very wide stance comp to most and kind of keep my glutes out a bit more than should be ALMOST a sumo/conv hybrid…though techniqually sumo.I laugh when people say sumos are easy ect…Ive done conv and weights shot up quickly to just about what i sumo dead but have prob keeping back straight and dont want to spend time re-learning form when doing just fine w/sumo.I will say it does work well for me to sometimes alt…or do conventional for high reps after a 3 or 5 rm sumo…Everyones built diff obv. and some are much stronger conv. some sumo.Either way its all about getting that s%%t off the floor and locked out.
Any response from OP?Are you sticking with sumos for the meet ect?