Your hips are still pretty tight which is forcing your shoulders over the bar which is going to cause you some pretty good strain once you get heavy with trying to lockout. Also if you will notice the first thing that moves up are your hips. It should be the bar obviously. Watch Dan Green he is probably one of the best technically sound Sumo Pullers ever. Which is making you do more of a modified conventional pull. Not a horrible thing and many including myself are stronger puling this way. However its mainly from mobility and posterior chain weakness. Probably has a lot to do with you still figuring out the movement.
Thanks i tried to get my shoulders behind the bar but damn those hips are tight haha might start doing hip mobility drills 2x a day.
Regarding hips going up first? Am i suppose to try to squat the weight up? Or push and pull pack at the same time? I thought thats what i was doing here is pushing and pulling back at the same time? Guess i gotta work on it. Will post another vid in a few weeks.
Thanks i tried to get my shoulders behind the bar but damn those hips are tight haha might start doing hip mobility drills 2x a day.
Regarding hips going up first? Am i suppose to try to squat the weight up? Or push and pull pack at the same time? I thought thats what i was doing here is pushing and pulling back at the same time? Guess i gotta work on it. Will post another vid in a few weeks.
Sam Byrd has taught me the idea with Sumo Pulling is to try and lock everything where it needs to be and then Squat the weight up. You want as little lumbar spine movement as possible. Get set up, chest high, press thought the heels and if all is perfect then you will have very little lower back movement. However it is very hard to master and a lot people me, you, and Sam him self all have the same problem when the weight is a true max effort. That’s why I said look at some one like Dan Green who is damn near perfect.