Summerfest Open Competition Videos

These were my attempts at the Summerfest Open. I had injured my knees 9 days prior when I was testing out my max in the clean and jerk.

Anyway, onto the competition videos.

Here is the link to the 120kg Clean and Jerk. I think it is obvious I couldn’t use a knee dip very well with the power clean and the jerk I did.

Here is my failure with 130kg. I nailed this easily 9 days prior, but the knees just didn’t allow it today. Next year I should hit 150kg easily, and plenty more if I can learn to squat clean.

Here are the deadlift attempts with 525, 550 and 575. You can see me wiggle with the weight a little bit before I drop it on 575. The wiggle is me trying to drift the bar away from my knee sleeve (the bar caught on it), this failed to work.



Nice work. Big lifts at the Big Gig. Did they have weight classes or was it an open comp?

Very cool videos (the 130 C&J miss doesn’t load for me though) but the exchange between what I presume is your wife and daughter in the first video is my favorite part.

Wife: Be sure to cheer really loud. C’mon John!
Daughter: C’mon John!
Wife: Call him Daddy, honey.
Daughter: C’mon Daddy.

Now that’s funny.

I had no idea there were comps at Summerfest though, how long that been going on? What were all the events?

Strong lifts. Solid kilt. Glow-in-the-dark whiteness.

Good stuff.

Good lifts!

I love the commentary provided by your wife and child. Great stuff!

[quote]bino wrote:
Very cool videos (the 130 C&J miss doesn’t load for me though) but the exchange between what I presume is your wife and daughter in the first video is my favorite part.

Wife: Be sure to cheer really loud. C’mon John!
Daughter: C’mon John!
Wife: Call him Daddy, honey.
Daughter: C’mon Daddy.

Now that’s funny.

I had no idea there were comps at Summerfest though, how long that been going on? What were all the events?[/quote]

Yes I thought that was great. That was actually my 4-year old SON’s high pitched voice. I am expecting puberty to help alleviate that confusion. Ha!

The summerfest open has been going on for a decade or more I think. Not sure exactly but I’ve done it the past three years and I’ve talked to people that said they competed in it about 5 times and it wasn’t during the past three that I’ve been in.

The competition has three weight classes, lightweight (165-), Middleweight (165-220), and Heavyweight (220+). For some reason they put me in the heavyweight category for C&J and middleweight for the deadlift. I weighed in at 217.4.

I was disappointed with my C&J weights. 130kg is usually not too difficult for me but my knee’s were hurting so bad I just couldn’t do much with the clean or the jerk movements. I was hoping to hit 140kg today. Luckily I still managed first place for the heavyweights (overall winner was a middleweight with 160kg).

The clean and jerk and deadlift are the only movements.

I’d like to see someone put on a strongman competition at summerfest in the future.

Try loading the 130kg c&j again, it should be good now. It appears to have taken a long time to get posted on youtube.



Hey Senseless,
Are you related to a Myles?

[quote]sensless wrote:

Yes I thought that was great. That was actually my 4-year old SON’s high pitched voice. I am expecting puberty to help alleviate that confusion. Ha![/quote]

Yeah, that should pretty much do the trick. LOL

The 130 miss is up now. You were pretty weeble wobble there on the catch–probably the knee again. It appeared you were using a power clean and push jerk. Is that the style you use even when you’re not injured?

I’ve never done a comp before. If I can ever string more than two months together w/o a serious injury, I’ll have to look into that for next year. Sounds like a fun day, and it’ll give me an excuse to go to Summerfest again. I stopped going a few years ago when the beers got to like $10 for a thimble-full. Also give me an excuse to break out the Sportkilt.

[quote]ChuckyT wrote:
Strong lifts. Solid kilt. Glow-in-the-dark whiteness.

Good stuff.[/quote]


Doesn’t it suck when the bar gets caught on the sleeves? I’ve tried using plastic wrap on the bottom edge to smooth the area out, but it was damn uncomfortable.


Nice, what day was this, Why didn’t I know about it? I live in Milwaukee!..(kicks self)

[quote]YoungGunner wrote:
Nice, what day was this, Why didn’t I know about it? I live in Milwaukee!..(kicks self)[/quote]

This was on Sunday, July 9th. Sal Sorrentino runs the competition every year. It is $30 to enter and that includes getting you (and often whomever you are with) into summerfest and usually a tee shirt (though there was no shirt this year). Sal is a solid guy, super nice and helpful, and he runs a small dungeon olympic club out in Oconomowoc. There are usually 25 or more lifters for each event, so it is a decent turn out. Crowds are usually numbering well into the hundreds (300+), but this year it was a bit lower.

As far as my power cleaning and power jerking - my squat clean timing isn’t super great but I usually squat down more than I did on these attempts. The form on both videos is not what I usually use, though I do often power clean because my timing is so bad with full squat clean. The jerk was impacted even more than the clean was, as usually I squat clean a bit more when I get heavy weights up (130kg or more). Usually I’ll descend into about a 1/3 squat position when I catch the bar overhead and then stand back up with it. I was planning on going up to 140kg for this competition, but as you saw, I couldn’t even get the 130kg. A bit dissapointing but still fun.

