Hey Ko, I do a lot of grilling in the summer, primarily salmon filet, chicken breasts and flank steak. Im dieting right now, so Im trying to avoid the traditional olive-oil based marinades in order to cut some cals and fat. Ive been using some dry-rubs, but everytime I use a store-bought one, its incredibly salty. So Id like to try and make some rubs myself, any suggestions/recipies? Just so you know, I dont like curry. I use a Lynx gas grill which has a little tray to add wood chips or something, which may be of benefit to me for flavoring foods as well; i just really have no experience with wood chips. Also, another grilling question…How does one determine whether or not to grill with the cover up or cover down? Thanks Ko.
Wha…? Bobby Flay? The dude who “thinks” he’s a better chef than Iron Chef Morimoto? …kiddin’…
You're asking the "Grill Master", Ko. But he's at work. Just thought I'd let you know - 'fore you think he's ignoring you. :-)
just keepin’ this one on top for Ko. Inquiring minds want to know.
That’s where Ko is at right now. Hopefully he’ll catch a nice, big steelhead. One that will be tasty after a good grillin’.
I recommend lubrication over a dry rub, otherwise your wanker gets abraded. But seriously, go for Big Bubbas rubba ( a company in California, do a search for website)They make a variety of great rubs for chicken and seafood including my favorite for salmon, Chipotle.
I just checked and the website is bigbubbasrubba.com. Truly great stuff!
whats the sodium level like with those bubba rubs? i tried some of that emeril’s essence and it was the saltiest damn thing ive ever tasted.
Nothing, and I mean nothing improves tyhe flavor of grilled meat like getting rid of the propane grill and cooking over Natural Lump Hardwood Charcoal (not briquets). Basically its just carbonized wood with no additives or petroleum distillates. It makes you food taste like it was cooked at a restaurant. It burns hotter than propane to, so careful when cooking. I buy Cowboy Charcaol at Winn-Dixe.
Grill Top down definitely. Keeps in the flavour I find…and like Emeril says, Keep it on low. Most people think their grill only has two settings: off and high."
Keep the lid up for grilling. When you grill you want high heat so that the meat sears, and locks in the juices. High heat will also keep the meat from sticking. After searing the meat, then you can add your wood chips and close the lid, and finish the meat to the desired temperature(and add that smoky flavor). Most people do not know that you can control the heat pretty effectively with most grills.As far as rubs, its not really my specialty, but heres the basic recipe for cajun spice: 2 parts paprika, 1 part cayenne pepper, 1 part black pepper, 1 part white pepper, 1 part dried thyme, and 1 part salt (you can adjust this to your liking). That is the basic blend, you can add or subtract different herbs and spices, a couple of ideas: garlic or onion powder, celery salt, sugar(brown preferably), rosemary, dill, citrus zest, the list goes on. Hope this helps.
The current issue of “Cooks Illustrated” I think July, has an article on different dry rubs.