Greeting Gentleman,
I was looking for some suggestions for my Low T and low E. I learned I had low T in Sept 2011. My Testosterone was 289. My doctor put me on Ardrogel 1%. 4 pumps a day. My Testosterone went up to 500 but came down after 6-8 months. After reading this forum I had my doctor check my Estrogen level. I just got the results back and it was 13. So my Testosterone and Estrogen is both low. So I am wondering what my next step is. I have listed my latests lab results.
Age -53â?¨
Height 5-11â?¨
Waist 38â?¨
Weight 225 lbsâ?¨ working on dropping weight
Describe body and facial hair - Not much body hair on the trunk. Normal arm and leg hair for a man. Facial hair - mustache
Describe where you carry fat and how changed - I carry the the fat in the spare tire area.
â?¨Health conditions, symptoms - High blood pressure but controlled with medication. Diabetes - controlled with medication
â?¨Rx and OTC - Metformin, Diovan, Trilpix
â?¨Lab results with ranges -
Value Range Date
Testerone total - 325 175-781 ng/d 6-3-13
Testerone Free - 6.16 3.8 - 34.2 pg/ml 6-3-13
Estroliol 17-Beta - 13 0-47 pg/ml 6-3-13
Triglycerides - 170 <150 mg/dl 6-3-13
Cholesterol - 190 160-200 mg/dl
Chol-HDL - 40 > 40.0 mg/dl
Non-HDL Chol - 150 < 160 mg/dl
T.Chol/HDL Ratio - 4.8 4.2-5.8
Chol -VLDL - 34 14-35 mg/dl
Chol - LDL - 116 <130 mg/dl
Glucose - 98 65-99
BUN - 22 6-22
Creatine - 1.0 0.5-1.6
Sodium - 134 135-145
Potassium - 4.6 3.4-5.2
Chloride - 96 98-108
Carbon Dioxide - 28 22-30
Calcium - 10.2 8.6-10.3
Protein Total - 7.3 5.9-8.4
Albumin - 4.8 3.5-5.2
Globulin - 2.5 2.0-3.7
Albu/ Glo Ratio - 1.9 1.0-2.6
Value Range Date
Alk Phos - 74 50-123 6-3-13
Bilirubin - 1.0 0.2-1.3 6-3-13
AST (SGOT) - 41 2-50 6-3-13
ALT(SGPT) - 77 2-45
BUN/ Creat - 22 10-24
Anion Gap - 15 10-18
Vitamin D-25 OH - 25.4 20-50
Describe diet - Low fat, Low carb, diet
â?¨Describe training - one hour cardio 6 days a week and weight training 4 days a week
â?¨Testes ache, ever, with a fever - No
â?¨How have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed - Have not had morning wood in several years.