Stronkfak's Beauty Log

Sooo, back again. Hopefully I’ll stay consistent this time around

First of all, thanks a ton @Chris_Colucci . I had no idea which email I used for this account, so I just went ahead and made a new one. By suspending my old account and emailing me, I managed to find the email I used for this account and get it back

Monday’s workout went as follows

FULL BODY INTENSITY WORKOUT (Patra’s fitness gym) – 19/07/2021

Low incline (2) barbell pin press (4)
Everything was supersetted with a few pullups with a random grip
17 kg x 10 ss bw x 4 Barbells where lighter at that gym
37 kg x 7 ss bw x 5
57 kg x 3 ss bw x 3
77 kg x 1 ss bw x 2
87 kg x 1 ss bw x 4
89.5 kg x 0 I pressed and both sides didn’t came off the pins equally. Someone helped my balance it. Also my butt came a bit off. In general it was a mess
57 kg x 6 ss bw x 3, 6 ss bw x 3, 6 ss bw x 2

Behind the head barbell press
Also supersetting everything with random pullups
17 kg x ? ss bw x 3
37 kg x 4 ss bw x 3
47 kg x 3 ss bw x 2
27 kg x 10 ss bw x 2, 10 ss bw x 2

Standing ez bar French press
8 kg x 10
28 kg x 9, 7, 6

High bar squats
17 kg x 8
57 kg x 3
77 kg x 1
97 kg x 1
107 kg x 1
117 kg x 1 The gym had a shitty belt. Pretty ok with that one in general
97 kg x 3 x 2

Parallel to the floor hypers
3 sets Those feel awesome on the hams and glutes. Sadly they are also a bit painful behind the knees, if you do not keep them bend

Cable V grip rows
20 kg x 10
40 kg x 5
60 kg x 10, 7
40 kg x 12
25 kg x 15, 20 Last set was a bit sloopy on a few reps

Crossover cable bicep curls
A bunch of work

More info on goals, life ect on a later post. Again, glad to be back. Hope everyone’s doing great


Glad to see you’re back logging. Hope you’re doing well.

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Doing great brother, maybe better than I’ve ever been. How about you?

FULL BODY LIGHT WORKOUT (Patra’s fitness gym) – 21/07/2021

Bw x 2, 3, 2
Bw x 21, 13

Dumbbell skullcrushers
6 kg x 20
4 kg x 25, 20

Dumbbell side laterals
1.25 kg x 15
6 kg x 22 side laterals used to be one of my weakest movements. Very glad they’re finally coming along
8 kg x 10
4 kg x 25

Pulldowns behind the head
25 kg x 25
40 kg x 15
25 kg x 20 or 22

Hack squat machine “front squat”
0 kg x 8
40 kg x 20 not per side, but in total

Parallel to the floor hypers
2 sets

Close grip machine rows
30 kg x 20
20 kg x 20

Seated dumbbell curls
6 kg x 6
10 kg x 10
4 kg x 20

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I’m doing good too thanks mate. I’m lifting a lot less recently and cycling a lot instead.

I saw it on your log man. Looks like a fun way to train. Also, you’re stronger than back when you started logging here

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FULL BODY VOLUME WORKOUT (Patra’s fitness gym) – 23/07/2021

I spend 1-2 weeks per month in another town, due to my gf living there. So I’ll be training 2-3 weeks per month in my home gym and 1-2 weeks in a gym in my gf’s town, which is pretty fun

Incline hammer press
Everything was supersetted with a few pullups with a random grip
0 kg / side x 15 ss bw x 4
20 kg / side x 8 ss bw x 3
40 kg / side x 10, 8, 8 ss 3 x 3
30 kg / side x 9 ss 3

Seated (5) dumbbell shoulder press
Also supersetting everything with random pullups
8 kg x 8 ss bw x 3
16 kg x 6 ss bw x 3
25 kg x 8 ss bw x 2
18 kg x 10 x 2 ss bw x 2 x 2

Dumbbell overhead extensions
3 kg x 8
6 kg x 20, 17, 16

High bar squats
17 kg x 8
57 kg x 4
77 kg x 8 x 3

Bw x 8, 7

Parallel to the floor hypers
2 sets

Parallel medium width grip cable rows
20 kg x 8
60 kg x 8
40 kg x 10 x 2
25 kg x 13
15 kg x 25

Bicep work
A bunch, done pretty fast cause we had to leave before the grocery stores closed

Also, after years of being stupid with my food, both due to having little to no money and not caring, I’ve started counting calories. My bw is down from what it used to and I look way better. Still I’m kinda fluffy and have fucked up my diet a bit the past few weeks. I’ll be posting some details on how my diet will look and what my goals are a bit later

I wanted to change things up for a while. Something I always wanted to try was doing multiple exercises, 1-2 sets of each. I was reading the book of a retired bodybuilder and formally doctor (he’s writting and taking interviews as dr Testosterone), and he was describing exactly this training method. So, I decided to give it a try

CHEST & TRICEPS (Home gym) - 03/08/2021

Low incline bench press (1)
70 kg/ 154 lbs x 8 Not my best, but an ok start

Low incline dumbbell press (1)
27 kg / 59.4 lbs x 10

Low incline dumbbell flies (1)
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 12

Flat dumbbell flies
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 9

Bw x 10

Ez bar French press
20 kg / 44 lbs x 13

Extremely close grip bench press
50 kg / 110 lbs x 10

Dumbbell French press
5 kg / 11 lbs x 13

Low incline (1) single dumbbell behind the head extensions
12 kg 26.4 lbs x 9

BACK (Home gym) - 04/08/2021

Wide grip pullups
Bw x 6
2 reverse orange bands x 8

Close grip pullups
Bw x 6
2 reverse orange bands x 7

Parallel medium width grip pullups
Bw x 5
2 reverse orange bands x 6

Reverse grip pullups
Bw x 3
2 reverse orange bands x 5

Kneeling lat pulldown, 1 arm at a time, to the side
2 plates x 12, 10

Barbell row
60 kg / 132 lbs x 10
65 kg / 143 lbs x 7
70 kg / 154 lbs x 4

Chest supported, low incline (1), dumbbell rows
22 kg / 48.4 lbs x 7
10 kg / 22 lbs x 11

Yates row
40 kg / 88 lbs x 20, 15 Keeping it super light here

T-bar row
45 kg / 99 lbs x 5
30 kg / 66 lbs x 10

Did some abs afterwards

SHOULDERS & TRAPS (Home gym) - 06/08/2021

High incline (4) barbell shoulder press
30 kg / 66 lbs x 13
40 kg / 88 lbs x 9
50 kg / 110 lbs x 6

Seated back supported behind the head press
40 kg / 88 lbs x 8
30 kg / 66 lbs x 11

Seated (5) dumbbell shoulder press
22 kg / 48.4 lbs x 6
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 15

Power side laterals
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 8
10 kg / 22 lbs x 10

Dumbbell side laterals
5 kg / 11 lbs x 15
2.5 kg / 5.5 lbs x 15

Rear delt flies on low incline (1)
5 kg / 11 lbs x 15
10 kg / 22 lbs x 8

Rear delt rows on low incline (1)
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 10
5 kg / 11 lbs x 16

Close grip upright rows
20 kg / 44 lbs x 12, 8

Dumbbell upright rows
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 8
5 kg / 11 lbs x 15

Barbell shrugs
60 kg / 132 lbs x 9
40 kg / 88 lbs x 15

Haney shrugs
40 kg / 88 lbs x 8
20 kg / 44 lbs x 15

Did some abs afterwards

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LEGS (Home gym) - 07/08/2021

High bar squats
60 kg / 132 lbs x 12
70 kg / 154 lbs x 10
90 kg / 198 lbs x 2 Waaay too low. Did not expect for the previous sets and short rest to tire me this much, not that I are either. All I want is to progress in the upcoming workouts

Front squats
50 kg / 110 lbs x 6 These felt awkward af
30 kg / 66 lbs x 10

Dumbbell squats
22 kg / 48.4 lbs x 10
42 kg / 92.4 lbs x 6

Hack squats
30 kg / 66 lbs x 8
20 kg / 44 lbs x 12 Fun exercise

Jefferson squats
40 kg / 88 lbs x 8

Leg extensions
3 plates x 10
2 plates x 13

Bw x 12, 10

Good mornings
40 kg / 88 lbs x 10
30 kg / 66 lbs x 12

Dumbbell rdl
22 kg / 48.4 lbs x 10
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 12

Dumbbell leg curls
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 12
5 kg / 11 lbs x 15

Seated band leg curls
Orange x 12
Yellow X 15

Glute bridges
30 kg / 66 lbs x 8
20 kg / 44 lbs x 15

Let me start this post by saying REST IN PEACE JOHN MEADOWS. He was the type of guy you started watching cause he was huge, but kept going cause of how soft spoken he was, as well as his fatherly like mannerisms. Such a nice guy, he will be missed

CHEST (Home gym) - 09/08/2021

Low incline bench press (1)
60 kg / 132 lbs x 14 pretty happy about that
65 kg / 143 lbs x 7 looks like the previous set took quite a bit out of me
70 kg/ 154 lbs x 4

Low incline dumbbell press (1)
32 kg / 70.4 lbs x 6
22 kg / 48.4 lbs x 11

Low incline dumbbell flies (1)
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 9
5 kg / 11 lbs x 12

Flat dumbbell flies
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 7
5 kg / 11 lbs x 12

Bench press
70 kg / 154 lbs x 8 For some reason I feel like I am pressing unevenly a rep here and there. Gonna keep those light for now
50 kg / 110 lbs x 10

Bw x 8, 7

Dumbbell chest pullovers
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 12, 10

Kneeling chest band pullovers
2 yellows x 12 x 2 Was supposed to use a cable. Next time

Bw x 1 minute, 45 seconds, 45 seconds, 45 seconds, 30 seconds

So, planks… As I was chilling with my gf goofing around, we had a plank competition. At first I thought "I’ll smoke the poor little girl, but after 30-40 seconds I started shaking. At 1 minute I fell and she only stopped to make fun of me. Not taking it to heart, but this has to be improved. This is the exercise the average overweight school gym teacher does to show off to kids. Not being able to hold a plank for long is embarrassing, not to mention it reveals a big weakness of mine. So, to sum it up, goal is a bunch of easy 2+ minute sets on these

Also, cutting for the time being. Macros for the past few days are: 300 gr protein / 120 - 160 gr carbs / 65 - 80 gr fat

BACK (Home gym) - 10/08/2021

Wide grip pullups
Bw x 7 (PR), 4

Close grip pullups
Bw x 7 (PR), 4

Parallel close width grip pullups
Bw x 4
2 reverse orange bands x 4 Not sure if I did those last time and just stupidly wrote “medium grip” or just did a wider grip variation

Reverse grip pullups
Bw x 3
2 reverse orange bands x 5

Parallel close width grip pullups
2 reverse orange bands x 5, 4

Barbell row
60 kg / 132 lbs x 11 (PR)
67.5 kg / 148.5 lbs x 7 (PR)
80 kg / 176 lbs x 2

Chest supported, low incline (1), dumbbell rows
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 16, 11

Yates row
50 kg / 110 lbs x 8
40 kg / 88 lbs x 16 (PR)

T-bar row
30 kg / 66 lbs x 9
20 kg / 44 lbs x 10

Bw x 1 minute, 1 minute, 50 seconds, 35 seconds So, some improvements here as well

Low carbs are taking a toll on me, but still feeling ok. Not strong but ok. Good thing is I feel like I’m leaning everyday just a bit more

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SHOULDERS & TRAPS (Home gym) - 12/08/2021

High incline (4) barbell shoulder press
32.5 kg / 71.5 lbs x 13 (PR)
45 kg / 99 lbs x 8
60 kg / 132 lbs x 3

Seated back supported behind the head press
40 kg / 88 lbs x 9 (PR)
30 kg / 66 lbs x 12 (PR)

Seated (5) dumbbell shoulder press
22 kg / 48.4 lbs x 8 (PR)
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 15

Power side laterals
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 10 (PR)
5 kg / 11 lbs x 20

Dumbbell side laterals
10 kg / 22 lbs x 6
5 kg / 11 lbs x ?

Rear delt flies on low incline (1)
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 7
5 kg / 11 lbs x 12

Rear delt rows on low incline (1)
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 10
5 kg / 11 lbs x 13

Close grip upright rows
25 kg / 55 lbs x 9
20 kg / 44 lbs x 12 (PR)

Dumbbell upright rows
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 12 (PR)
5 kg / 11 lbs x 17 (PR)

Barbell shrugs
60 kg / 132 lbs x 10 (PR)
40 kg / 88 lbs x 15

Haney shrugs
40 kg / 88 lbs x 10 (PR)
20 kg / 44 lbs x 15

Bw x 1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute, 45 seconds 4-5 sets of 1 minute are a workout or two away

ARMS (Home gym) - 13/08/2021

Alternating dumbbell curls
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 9
7 kg / 15.4 lbs x 12

Incline (2) dumbbell curls
7 kg / 15.4 lbs x 9
4 kg / 8.8 lbs x 15

Super close grip ez bar curls
25 kg / 55 lbs x 8
15 kg / 33 lbs x 12

Wide straight barbell curls
20 kg / 44 lbs x 8, 7 Will go a bit closer, cause it was just a bit painful on my wrists

Dumbbell preacher curls
4 kg / 8.8 lbs x 10
3 kg / 6.6 lbs x 15

Concentration curls
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 6
4 kg / 8.8 lbs x 13

Hammer curls
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 8
5 kg / 11 lbs x 11

Behind the back forearm curls
40 kg / 88 lbs x 8
20 kg / 44 lbs x 15

Reverse ez bar curls
15 kg / 33 lbs x 13,9

Zottman curl
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 6
2.5 kg / 5.5 lbs x 10

Tricep dips
Bw x 7, 8

Super close grip bench press
60 kg / 132 lbs x 9
40 kg / 88 lbs x 15

Overhead ez bar extensions
15 kg / 33 lbs x 15, 10

French press
25 kg / 55 lbs x 7
15 kg / 33 lbs x 13

Incline (3) dumbbell extensions
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 11
5 kg / 11 lbs x 12

Dumbbell extensions
18 kg / 39.6 lbs x 3 Way too heavy
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 10

Low incline (1) kickbacks
5 kg / 11 lbs x 15, 10

Bw x 1 minute x 4 sets Goal now is 4 sets of 1 and a half minute

LEGS (Home gym) - 15/08/2021

High bar squats
60 kg / 132 lbs x 15 (PR)
75 kg / 165 lbs x 8
95 kg / 209 lbs x 2 (PR)

Front squats
50 kg / 110 lbs x 7 Although I felt like 6th was high. Still a (PR) maybe
30 kg / 66 lbs x 8

Dumbbell squats
42 kg / 92.4 lbs x 9 (PR)
32 kg / 70.4 lbs x 12

Hack squats
30 kg / 66 lbs x 10 (PR)
20 kg / 44 lbs x 15 (PR)

Jefferson squats
60 kg / 132 lbs x 6

Leg extensions
4 plates x 8
2 plates x 15 (PR)

Bw x 15, 12

Good mornings
40 kg / 88 lbs x 11 (PR)
30 kg / 66 lbs x 11

Dumbbell rdl
22 kg / 48.4 lbs x 15
10 kg / 22 lbs x 20

Dumbbell leg curls
17 kg / 37.4 lbs x 10
5 kg / 11 lbs x 20 (PR)

Seated band leg curls
2 yellows x 10
Yellow x ? (16 I think)

CHEST (Home gym) - 17/08/2021

Low incline bench press (1)
60 kg / 132 lbs x 15 (PR)
65 kg / 143 lbs x 8 (PR)
75 kg/ 165 lbs x 2

Low incline dumbbell press (1)
32 kg / 70.4 lbs x 7 (PR)
22 kg / 48.4 lbs x 12 (PR)

Low incline dumbbell flies (1)
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 10
5 kg / 11 lbs x 12

Flat dumbbell flies
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 8
5 kg / 11 lbs x 12

Bench press
80 kg / 176 lbs x 7
60 kg / 130 lbs x 10

Bw x 9, 6

Dumbbell chest pullovers
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 13, 10

Kneeling chest band pullovers
2 oranges x 10 x 2

Bw x 1:30 minutes, 1:15 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds

Dang PR city up in this place!

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Haha thanks brother. Thb being strong with <150 carbs was a surprise

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