Stronkfak's Beauty Log

BACK (Home gym) - 18/08/2021

Wide grip pullups
Bw x 8 (PR), 4

Close grip pullups
Bw x 7, 4

Parallel medium width grip pullups
Bw x 4
2 reverse orange bands x 5 (PR)

Reverse grip pullups
Bw x 3
2 reverse orange bands x 4

Parallel close width grip pullups
2 reverse orange bands x 5, 4

Chest supported, low incline (1), dumbbell rows
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 15
22 kg / 48.4 lbs x 10
32 kg / 70.4 lbs x 3

Barbell row
60 kg / 132 lbs x 8
40 kg / 88 lbs x 20

Yates row
45 kg / 99 lbs x 10
40 kg / 88 lbs x 12

T-bar row
45 kg / 99 lbs x 6
30 kg / 66 lbs x 7

Bw x 1:30 minutes

Core twists
1 set

Bw x 20

All the pullups felt great in my back, probably better that they’ve ever had

SHOULDERS & TRAPS (Home gym) - 20/08/2021

High incline (4) barbell shoulder press
40 kg / 88 lbs x 13 (PR)
50 kg / 110 lbs x 7
55 kg / 121 lbs x 4

Seated back supported behind the head press
40 kg / 88 lbs x 10 (PR)
30 kg / 66 lbs x 13 (PR)

Seated (5) dumbbell shoulder press
24.5 kg / 54 lbs x 6
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x ?

Power side laterals
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 6
5 kg / 11 lbs x 15

Dumbbell side laterals
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 4
5 kg / 11 lbs x 10

Rear delt flies on low incline (1)
5 kg / 11 lbs x 15, 12

Rear delt rows on low incline (1)
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 6
5 kg / 11 lbs x 13

Close grip upright rows
40 kg / 88 lbs x 4-5
20 kg / 44 lbs x 12

Dumbbell upright rows
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 12
5 kg / 11 lbs x 17

Dumbbell shrugs
12 kg / 26.4 lbs x 15 or 20, 12

CHEST (Patra Fitness Gym) - 23/08/2021

Hammer incline
20 kg per side / 44 lbs x 15
40 kg per side / 44 lbs x 10
50 kg per side / 110 lbs x 6 Would prefer this as a second movement, but gym was packed

Low incline dumbbell press (2)
35 kg / 77 lbs x 6
25 kg / 55 lbs x 9

Low incline dumbbell flies (2)
16 kg / 35.2 lbs x 8
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 12

Pec deck
20 kg / 44 lbs x 12
10 kg / 22 lbs x 20 Felt awesome at the top. Other than that it didn’t feel that good, since it kept my arms almost straigth throughout the whole movement

Bench press
77 kg / 169.4 lbs x 6
57 kg / 125.4 lbs x 10

+10 kg x 6
Bw x 8

Cable crossovers
15 kg / 33 lbs x 20
20 kg / 44 lbs x 9
10 kg / 22 lbs x 20

Kneeling chest cable pullovers
30 kg / 66 lbs x 15
40 kg / 88 lbs x 10
50 kg / 110 lbs x 6

Bw x 1 minute, 1 minute, 30 seconds These sucked

Side abs twists
1 set

BACK & BICEPS (Patra fitness gym) - 24/08/2021

Wide grip pullups
10 kg / 22 lbs x 3 Although I’d prefer to do some cable pulldowns, I wanna improve my pullups, and pullups are an exercise of consistency, so…
Bw x 5

Close grip pullups
Bw x 8 (PR), 3

Parallel medium width grip pullups
Bw x 3, 3

Reverse grip assisted pullups
-20 kg x 4
-40 kg x 6 This machine barely gave you any help. It’s not like it was really taking all this weight off of me. Still, a nice way to crack out some extra pullups

Parallel close width grip assisted pullups
-40 kg x 6, 4

High cables kneeling lat cross pulldowns
Awful description I know
20 kg / 44 lbs x 18
25 kg / 55 lbs x 10

Parallel close-ish grip cable rows
50 kg / 110 lbs x 7
30 kg / 66 lbs x 13

Triangle reverse grip cable rows
40 kg / 88 lbs x 7
25 kg / 55 lbs x 13

Dumbbell row
35 kg / 77 lbs x 6
25 kg / 55 lbs x 8

T-bar row
50 kg / 110 lbs x 5
35 kg / 77 lbs x 7
20 kg / 44 lbs x 13

Standing alternating dumbbell curls
10 kg / 22 lbs x 10
6 kg / 13.2 lbs x 12

Incline (43 degrees) dumbbell curls
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 8
6 kg / 13.2 lbs x 10

Close grip ez bar curls
28 kg / 61.6 lbs x 6
18 kg / 39.6 lbs x 9

Machine curls
25 kg / 55 lbs x 4.5
15 kg / 33 lbs x 6.5

Will leave for vacation tomorrow, so to not miss my arm work, or have to do it there, I decided to split it in my back and shoulder workouts

SHOULDERS, TRAPS & TRICEPS (Patra Fitness Gym) - 25/08/2021

High incline (71°) smith shoulder press
55 kg / 121 lbs x 8
65 kg / 143 lbs x 2

Machine behind the neck press
30 kg / 66 lbs per side x 8
40 kg / 88 lbs x 5

Seated (7) dumbbell shoulder press
25 kg / 55 lbs x 7
15 kg / 33 lbs x 10

Cable side laterals
10 kg / 22 lbs x 6
5 kg / 11 lbs x 10

Dumbbell side laterals
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 8
6 kg / 13.2 lbs x 7

Reverse pec deck
25 kg / 55 lbs x 7
10 kg / 22 lbs x 12

Eye cable rows
15 kg / 33 lbs x 20
20 kg / 44 lbs x 17 or 18

Cable rope high pulls
25 kg / 55 lbs x 10
35 kg / 77 lbs x 6
15 kg / 33 lbs x 15

Cable shrugs “cross”
25 kg / 55 lbs x 10
15 kg / 33 lbs x 20

Barbell shrugs
2 sets

Lots with various grips

LOWER CHEST & SHOULDERS (Patra Fitness Gym) - 02/09/2021

Low decline (2) smith press
55 kg / 121 lbs x 12
75 kg / 165 lbs x 10
95 kg / 209 lbs x 4

Flat dumbbell press
40 kg / 88 lbs x 4 way harder than I expected
30 kg / 66 lbs x 9

Twisting flat dumbbell press
20 kg / 44 lbs x 8
12.5 kg / 27.5 lbs x 11

Flat barbell press
77 kg / 169.4 lbs x 6
47 kg / 103.4 lbs x 10

Cable crossover
20 kg / 44 lbs x 10
10 kg / 22 lbs x ?

Machine behind the neck press
40 kg / 88 lbs per side x 6 very happy about this one
20 kg / 44 lbs x 10

Seated (7) dumbbell shoulder press
20 kg / 44 lbs x 8
12.5 kg / 27.5 lbs x 11

Dumbbell side laterals
6 kg / 13.2 lbs x 17
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 6

Cable side laterals
5 kg / 11 lbs x 8

LATS & BICEPS (Patra Fitness Gym) - 03/09/2021

+10 kg x 5 (PR) Really proud of this one
Bw x 6

Behind the head pulldowns
50 kg / 110 lbs x 8
35 kg / 77 lbs x 10

Reverse wide grip pulldowns
50 kg / 110 lbs x 11
70 kg / 154 lbs x 4

Close triangle grip pulldowns
60 kg / 132 lbs x 6
40 kg / 88 lbs x 10

Reverse grip hammer pulldowns
35 kg / 77 lbs per side x 4
20 kg / 44 lbs x 8

High cables kneeling lat cross pulldowns
40 kg / 88 lbs x 8 (PR)
25 kg / 55 lbs x 15

Seated dumbbell curls
10 kg / 22 lbs x 10
15 kg / 33 lbs x 4 Did not expect that. Felt pretty nice curling this weight
6 kg / 13.2 lbs x 10

Incline (4) dumbbell curls
8 kg / 17.6 lbs x 8
6 kg / 13.2 lbs x 9 Way too low of an incline. It bothered my shoulders, so I’ll move in up next time

Close grip ez bar curls
18 kg / 39.6 lbs x 10, 7

Straight wide barbell curls
17 kg / 37.4 lbs x 8, 6

Cable cross curls
10 kg / 22 lbs x 10
15 kg / 33 lbs x 5
10 kg / 22 lbs x 8

Cable rope hammer curls
A few sets

Great workout

Yesterday I remember why I used to like the gym I go to (when I’m at Patras). I saw 2 glute ham raises. I asked the gym owner and he told me they plan to built a crossfit / weighlifting area. Since I first went, at late 2014, they’ve bought a bunch of equipment, everything works great and they’ve done a few renovations. They’ve also gone from 2 olympic barbells to 8 or 10, and bought a bunch of bumpers

Pretty great place to lift