Hey guys its me again I have been doing strong lifts I started at 60 kg on the bench press and was going up 2.5kg every couple weeks as the smallest disks at the gym are 1.25kg
Every exercise I have made progress but as of a couple weeks ago my bench has dropped multiple times and I feel super weak on the bench.
Any tips for getting past this? My diet is impeccable, I get at least 7 hours sleep no matter what and get 2g of protein per lb of bodyweight.
My squat is at 70 and I will be going up next session as its too easy, I dead lift 110kg but I don’t use straps and its an easy weight for one set of five, probably my best lift too bad sl says only do one set.
[quote]BeginnerBrah wrote:
I do no assistance at all [/quote]
Not even rows and chins/pulldowns?
If you dont do a horisontal and a vertical pull allready, start doing them next session
and that should help your bench alot. Remember that a bigger upperback and bigger lats = a bigger bench.
[quote]BeginnerBrah wrote:
I do no assistance at all [/quote]
Not even rows and chins/pulldowns?
If you dont do a horisontal and a vertical pull allready, start doing them next session
and that should help your bench alot. Remember that a bigger upperback and bigger lats = a bigger bench.
Stronglifts 5x5 has BO barbell rows as a main exercise so I assume he is doing those.
Have you taken a deload/rest week? I find that my strength starts to meet a wall right around 4-6 weeks. Take a week to either rest or deload by 50% and come back strong.
You started bench at 60kg. What weight did you get to?
Also, can you describe in more detail what you mean by getting weaker? The way SL works is that you do 5x5 at a given weight and then increase the weight by 5lb or 2.5kg. You then try to do 5x5 at that weight during the next workout. If you get 5x5 at a given weight, you would expect to get some reps at the next weight. You would probably even get some sets of 5 followed by some sets of 4 or 3. I wouldn’t expect that you get 5x5, go up 2.5kgs, and suddenly can’t get a single rep. If that is what is happening, I’m certainly not qualified to advise you. If you just mean that you can’t get 5x5 anymore, that’s normal. You should try to get 5x5 for up to 3 workouts and then deload, as has been stated.
Hey to answer yur question I started at 60 and got to doing 5x5 at 67.5 pretty easy but never can get 70kg for 5 reps for 5 sets, i always fail on the last set by a rep or two and can never seem to bridge that gap to a heavier weight.
same with squats, 70kg is like paper, go any higher my form cant stay good. most people seem to be able to make steady increases but with me it seems i can knock a weight out easy and then if i were to add 2.5kg i can barely unrack the bitch.
I asked my brother and he said it may be a problem with balancing tyhe weight due to the smaller muscles being weaker. may have to add some assistance exercises.
I also came off creatine recently and this could be me back at my true strength.
[quote]BeginnerBrah wrote:
Hey to answer yur question I started at 60 and got to doing 5x5 at 67.5 pretty easy but never can get 70kg for 5 reps for 5 sets, i always fail on the last set by a rep or two and can never seem to bridge that gap to a heavier weight.
same with squats, 70kg is like paper, go any higher my form cant stay good. most people seem to be able to make steady increases but with me it seems i can knock a weight out easy and then if i were to add 2.5kg i can barely unrack the bitch.
I asked my brother and he said it may be a problem with balancing tyhe weight due to the smaller muscles being weaker. may have to add some assistance exercises.
I also came off creatine recently and this could be me back at my true strength.[/quote]
Unless you ran out you don’t need to go ‘on’ or off creatine
[quote]BeginnerBrah wrote:
Hey to answer yur question I started at 60 and got to doing 5x5 at 67.5 pretty easy but never can get 70kg for 5 reps for 5 sets, i always fail on the last set by a rep or two and can never seem to bridge that gap to a heavier weight.
same with squats, 70kg is like paper, go any higher my form cant stay good. most people seem to be able to make steady increases but with me it seems i can knock a weight out easy and then if i were to add 2.5kg i can barely unrack the bitch.
I asked my brother and he said it may be a problem with balancing tyhe weight due to the smaller muscles being weaker. may have to add some assistance exercises.
I also came off creatine recently and this could be me back at my true strength.[/quote]
Dude… You simply did not follow the progression because you behaved like a stupid little teenager and started with a weight that was barely doable.
reset both squat and bench to 45kg
always add 2.5 to the weight you did last time (that’s right… DAILY progression)
more calories. Not more protein, more CALORIES. I have a hunch that you think downing protein shakes on top of an ‘eat like a bird’ diet’ will lead to results - it won’t. Again, CALORIES.
If you have been doing stronglifts for a while, and are stuck. I ve found switching rep sceem on that exercise, for one cycle,the magic of the program is not the 5x5, but the 25 rep total. So if your bench is stuck, and you switch to 8x3 or 4x6, roughly 25 rep total, when you go back to 5x5, you might find you’ve gone around your sticking point, and added a little variety. Sorry to hyjack your thread, but I recomend SL to all the beginers at my gym, their site helps you with almost everthing, and it’s a great starting point. Goodluck.
[quote]BeginnerBrah wrote:
Hey to answer yur question I started at 60 and got to doing 5x5 at 67.5 pretty easy but never can get 70kg for 5 reps for 5 sets, i always fail on the last set by a rep or two and can never seem to bridge that gap to a heavier weight.
same with squats, 70kg is like paper, go any higher my form cant stay good. most people seem to be able to make steady increases but with me it seems i can knock a weight out easy and then if i were to add 2.5kg i can barely unrack the bitch.
I asked my brother and he said it may be a problem with balancing tyhe weight due to the smaller muscles being weaker. may have to add some assistance exercises.
I also came off creatine recently and this could be me back at my true strength.[/quote]
Dude… You simply did not follow the progression because you behaved like a stupid little teenager and started with a weight that was barely doable.
reset both squat and bench to 45kg
always add 2.5 to the weight you did last time (that’s right… DAILY progression)
more calories. Not more protein, more CALORIES. I have a hunch that you think downing protein shakes on top of an ‘eat like a bird’ diet’ will lead to results - it won’t. Again, CALORIES.
hey man I can’t go that low for five sets it is ridiculously easy. I can do it like 20 reps for 5 sets at that weight. I tried the advice of starting low and it just didnt feel like a workout and I was done ion 15 minutes. for example I can bench 60kg 10 times for 3 sets and the small added weight of 10kg i can’t do 5x5 without missing a couple reps. I am in a wiierd position that a bt lighter and itds super easy a tiny bit heavier its impossible for me to complete.
[quote]BeginnerBrah wrote:
Hey to answer yur question I started at 60 and got to doing 5x5 at 67.5 pretty easy but never can get 70kg for 5 reps for 5 sets, i always fail on the last set by a rep or two and can never seem to bridge that gap to a heavier weight.
same with squats, 70kg is like paper, go any higher my form cant stay good. most people seem to be able to make steady increases but with me it seems i can knock a weight out easy and then if i were to add 2.5kg i can barely unrack the bitch.
I asked my brother and he said it may be a problem with balancing tyhe weight due to the smaller muscles being weaker. may have to add some assistance exercises.
I also came off creatine recently and this could be me back at my true strength.[/quote]
Dude… You simply did not follow the progression because you behaved like a stupid little teenager and started with a weight that was barely doable.
reset both squat and bench to 45kg
always add 2.5 to the weight you did last time (that’s right… DAILY progression)
more calories. Not more protein, more CALORIES. I have a hunch that you think downing protein shakes on top of an ‘eat like a bird’ diet’ will lead to results - it won’t. Again, CALORIES.
hey man I can’t go that low for five sets it is ridiculously easy. I can do it like 20 reps for 5 sets at that weight. I tried the advice of starting low and it just didnt feel like a workout and I was done ion 15 minutes. for example I can bench 60kg 10 times for 3 sets and the small added weight of 10kg i can’t do 5x5 without missing a couple reps. I am in a wiierd position that a bt lighter and itds super easy a tiny bit heavier its impossible for me to complete.
Listen to the man. Start extra light. If you start at 45 kg, and you workout 3 times/week, you will get to 70kg in 10 workouts, which is 3 weeks. Just do it, and you will see how much stronger you will be. Also, 1xBW protein is plenty. 1xBW, 3xBW and 0.5xBW fat is a good combo.
[quote]BeginnerBrah wrote:
hey man I can’t go that low for five sets it is ridiculously easy. I can do it like 20 reps for 5 sets at that weight. I tried the advice of starting low and it just didnt feel like a workout and I was done ion 15 minutes. for example I can bench 60kg 10 times for 3 sets and the small added weight of 10kg i can’t do 5x5 without missing a couple reps. I am in a wiierd position that a bt lighter and itds super easy a tiny bit heavier its impossible for me to complete.
Don’t try to be smarter than people who have done something longer than you have - solid advice for all areas of your life. Do what I told you and be SUPER STRICT - tuck your elbows and go all the way down when benching, go low while maintaining tension in your back while squatting. You don’t have to feel exhausted after a workout to make it productive - keep believing this and you will always remain skinny and weak. Again…
LOWER THE WEIGHT. And if you don’t - stop complaining. You got your answer. It’s up to you if you use it or remain ignorant.
Stronglifts was the first barbell training program I ever did and I got to benching over BW and squatting 1.5BW in a few months. I think I started the bench at 40kg and the squat at 50kg.
going to reset and also am going to cut my partner and train alone, it is always me motivating and pushing him and his lack of enthusiasm has been pissing me off lately. also the least i can add is 2.5kg nighthawkz smallest plates are 1.25kg. did you mean 2.5kg or lbs?
also sorry for my hard head i went full retard and i apologise