Strongest Teenager in the World?

19 years old, 286 lbs
440 snatch
507 clean
507 bench
706x5 squat (fucking dunked em too)

I can’t think of anyone stronger, and the only one close (that I know of) would be Lilliebridge (though he’s not a teen now). 706x5 comes out to like 794. I have no idea what he pulls but it has to be somewhere in the high 7s/low 8s.

This kid has been posted a bunch on these forums lately but it’s still sick to see. At 19 years old, he is stronger than most people will ever be no matter what age.

Good for him. Not for me.

Shit last I checked he was doing 706x2 on squats!!! He’s not a teen anymore…he’s 19. His snatch and clean may be some of the strongest in the world. Did you see how easy that 507 bench looked? My 3 rep sets look harder than that…

[quote]shootingman99 wrote:
He’s not a teen anymore…he’s 19.[/quote]

Wait, what?

Beast of a kid, though. I can’t fathom snatching that amount of weight.

I hope this kid gets to stay healthy long enough to reach his full potential. No reason why he wouldn’t stay healthy but it just seems so many kids with incredible potential just vanish before they really reach their peak.

Looking forward to seeing what kind of damage he can do when they unleash him on the competition.

[quote]Matsa wrote:
I hope this kid gets to stay healthy long enough to reach his full potential. No reason why he wouldn’t stay healthy but it just seems so many kids with incredible potential just vanish before they really reach their peak.

Looking forward to seeing what kind of damage he can do when they unleash him on the competition.[/quote]

^^ This.

The most impressive thing is his form on all those lifts is solid.

heck yeah he’s strong, 286lbs at only 19!!!