Strongest Man You Never Heard Of

sad what happened to him because of that crazy diet. as smart as he was in training, i’m suprized he wasnt as smart in the diet part of his game. fruits, veggies, pasta, rice, olive oil and meat cost way less that what he spent at mcdonalds…guy is my idol the way he trains…

[quote]spk wrote:
sad what happened to him because of that crazy diet. as smart as he was in training, i’m suprized he wasnt as smart in the diet part of his game. fruits, veggies, pasta, rice, olive oil and meat cost way less that what he spent at mcdonalds…guy is my idol the way he trains…[/quote]

He followed a tradition of power lifters who get big and strong eating anything and everything, shit included.

Its not just him, its a lot of people. Im not saying every PL guy is like that, but they are known to not eat like bodybuilders do, thats for sure.

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:


Hahhaha!! I like his style! :))

Motherfuckers that sit on a couch eating bon-bons!! :))) Priceless!

[quote]bond james bond wrote:

[quote]krazykoukides wrote:
He did arms EVERY DAY for 1.5 years. He also believes over-training is bullshit. He ate huge and he was/is strong as a bull.

There has got to be something useful right there…


I’m guessing in those 1.5 years he didn’t work at a manual labour job like heavy factory work or construction.


And what percentage of people actually do?

Why has nobody mentioned that triceps trail leads to mount bicepius?

OK, I did not watch the whole video. But that first 2 minutes made me stop and head to the gym. Peace out.

[quote]four60 wrote:
OK, I did not watch the whole video. But that first 2 minutes made me stop and head to the gym. Peace out.

Fucking inspirational.

I need CT Fletcher’s sperm. I need his fucking sperm. I will pay him for his fucking sperm.

There’s no way my future children will be a bunch of motherfucking weakling bitches.

[quote]DarkNinjaa wrote:

[quote]four60 wrote:
OK, I did not watch the whole video. But that first 2 minutes made me stop and head to the gym. Peace out.

Fucking inspirational.

I need CT Fletcher’s sperm. I need his fucking sperm. I will pay him for his fucking sperm.

There’s no way my future children will be a bunch of motherfucking weakling bitches.[/quote]
