Stretch Marks Without Weight Gain

I have an incredible number of stretch marks all around my hips, they have come in during the last few months in which time I’ve only gained 5 lbs.

These stretch marks are so dense they look like tiger stripes and are only localized below my waist but above my knees area. What the hell is going on?

Are you growing? When in high school I grew like 4 inches over a 6 month span and now have stretch marks on my inner thigh. Cocoa butter helps if you rub it on daily but I don’t think you can ever get them to go away completely. Tanning helps also if its that much of a problem…my .02


I’m not growing and I don’t really care that much about how they look, I just want to know why they’re there.

The simplest way to put it that I know of is that skin is not growing as fast as the rest of you. This is the only way to get stretch marks as far as I know. Have you added muscle/fat to your legs in a tremendous amount over the past yr or so? That could be it…


Maybe you’ve cut down on some fat and added a bit more muscle than you may think? I’m not sure, I don’t think there’s anyway you’d get stretch marks without growing in that place.

I’m on a computer a lot these days and as a consequence I’m sitting for long periods, could the prolonged sitting cause stretching of the skin?

[quote]LiftSmart wrote:
I’m on a computer a lot these days and as a consequence I’m sitting for long periods, could the prolonged sitting cause stretching of the skin?[/quote]

From personal experience, I can opinionatedly deny that idea. I used to be a MASSIVE video game addict, playing up to 18 hours a day, only taking food and restroom breaks. This meant hours and hours of sitting. I was like this for a few years and I never received stretch marks during that time. Everyone’s right; the skin has to be growing slower than something in this situation in order for you to be receiving stretch marks.

I thought they came from growing then shrinking a bit, like from steroids or puberty maybe?

Never got them, only 5’8" lol


If you’ve ever been lifting and felt a very quick, sharp “ping” on your skin, congrats, new stretch mark. Sometimes they can happen very noticeably, other times, not so much…could have been a good quad/ham pump that did it.

I always get them while losing weight. Strange, huh?

Joe & williF: From what I’ve heard the stretch marks occur from the gaining of size too fast for the skin to keep up with the rest of your body. The reason they are visible or you would think that you get them from losing size/weight is because the skin is not as tight on the body and has lost some elasticity for a brief period of time thus making the stretch mark more visible. Stretch marks actually change color when you get smaller. They appear darker. My anatomy teacher said this is because the body is placing a little bit of conective tissue there to prevent the skin from splitting :S lol.

Jeffe: They happen that fast?


[quote]LiftSmart wrote:
I have an incredible number of stretch marks all around my hips, they have come in during the last few months in which time I’ve only gained 5 lbs.

These stretch marks are so dense they look like tiger stripes and are only localized below my waist but above my knees area. What the hell is going on?[/quote]

I have them in the same place. Interestingly they also first appeared on me during a period of minimal weight gain.