I am trying to plan out my 4th cycle. My top priority is strength, I am currently around 210lbs and 10% bodyfat and I am looking to gain around 10-15lbs as well as get as strong as possible. I compete at strongman and powerlifting.
Some stats:
squat: 950
bp: 600
dl: 750
*all done in powerlifting equipment weighing a very fat 260lbs when I made those lifts. These are decent lifts by powerlifting standards but nothing amazing for a non tested multiply lifter.
Cycle Experience:
400mg test for 12 weeks + 30mg dbol first 4
400mg test for 14 weeks
175mg of tren a for last 8
600mg of test for 16 weeks, 40mg of tbol for first 4
650mg of test for 12 weeks, 200mg of tren e for 12 weeks
Its been close to a year since I finished my 4th cycle, in that time frame I have lost lots of fat and I am ready to grow again and bring my strength up. I am not sure what to do cycle wise… I think running a solid dose of test is a good start, I was thinking of just doing a bunch of test…
1-12 - 800mg - 1000mg test E or C
1-12 hcg 250iu 2x weekly
1-12 adex 1mg 2x per week
Even though I have used lower dose tren in the past with few sides, it kind of scares me and ive heard quite a few horror stories about it at higher doses.
Is there anything else I can/should add for strength?? I was thinking about trying drol at 50mg/day for the last 4 weeks (leading up to the contest). Is this going to be enough of a dose of drol to get results or would I be better off with 30-50mg of dbol? I really don’t want to be messing with halo/c drops etc.
With running just test, can I expect some decent muscular gains or would I be better off running something like EQ or Deca as well if I am looking for that? I would think a gram of test would be decent in terms of size but really have never tried to gain size before (Always just strength).
Tren must be the base for your PL based strength focused cycle. For many, not all but many find using lower test doses allows the user to ramp up the tren. For example, I got better strength gains and had less “nasty tren sides” on 250mg of test and 700mg of tren than I did on 1G of test and 400mg of tren. [All doses are per week BTW] Obviously I had more tren in the first option but also less total AAS. Its such an individual thing too.
You will have to experiment to find just where your ceiling is for test using varying doses of tren. For most 200-250mg is well tolerated but even at 300-350 the sides of tren accelerate. Equally true even using as little as 200mg does not necessarily give you a license to unlimited tren. 700mg was/is about my comfort level for tren even on the low test dose.
In fact if you are looking to stay under 220 and stay in class using less test and more tren [and even adding mast into the mix] will allow you to gain some muscle but certainly not a lot of scale weight. For strength to weight ratio stuff its tren all the way with mast an incredibly distant second.
In fact adding the mast is something I’d strongly recommend as it can assist you in other areas where tren might give you problems like the aforementioned libido/sexual dept.
Finally, I’d try using 40mg of dbol 45 minutes prior to your training sessions. I’ve had great success with using dbol that way for strength/training enhancement
Thanks for the reply, ive been reading some threads on here about the low test + high tren approach and I must say that its very interesting, I have never heard of doing that before. In the past 200tren/650test I felt great, but did find i was agitated a little easier.
I am really thinking something like:
1-12: test e 250mg/week
2-12: tren e 400mg/week
6-12: 20-50mg dbol pre workout
I would think some pretty good strength gains would come from the above without bloating me to hell and putting on 15lbs of water.
Is 10 weeks pushing it on 400mg/week of tren? I am on trt @ 150mg/week so not worried about recovery.
This is going to be one fun cycle I think. Ive decided to bump up the test a little earlier and extend the cycle.
1-16 test e/d blend - 250mg/week
6-16 tren e - 400mg/week
10-16 dbol - 20-50mg preWO
Now I may be getting a little stupid here, but what do you think about running some prop or suspension weeks 1-6 before the tren starts going? I will be ending nearly a 6 month diet at the start of this cycle and I am looking for ways I can maximize any post-dieting gains as well as minimize fat gains while my metabolism adjusts.