Strength and Size without Fat

Hey guys,

Been doing Wendler’s 5’3’1 program for the past 4 months. Seen a big improvement in all core lifts.

1RM Now at:
Bench: 110kg (243lbs)
Squat:160kg (353lbs)
Deadlift: 205kg (452lbs)
Military Press: 70kg (154lbs)

would like to get bigger but have reservations about putting on fat- I’d like to have that captain America figure but how do I do something like that?


Eat more, but don’t eat like a pig.

I’m little bit fat too and I’m thinking about just cleaning up my diet (get rid of the McDonalds or snacks) and eating “better” products. Maybe this will help you loose some fat and still getting stronger?

Eat better. What exactly did you eat yesterday?

Just focus on eating clean whole foods and avoid processed crap and you should see a difference.

you cant bulk without putting on fat as well…after a bulk you always have to cut for a captain america figure…that said if you eat right you wont gain a greater relative amount of bodyfat percentage if and also if your conditioning is in check

Train your balls off on your core lifts, condition like you mean it and eat the foods you know are good for you that fuel performance. You can put lots of size on without becoming a fat bastard, just have to be patient and maintain consistency, pick a plan and stick to it.

The answer is simple: performance goals.

Run a true 6:00 minute mile, press 405, 30 chins and squat 700: you’ll be strong and in shape. And by you working towards these goals, probably look pretty good.

So here is an example of someone(me) who has been on some type of 531 template for the past 18 months. I have to be conscious of weight gain as I am a weight class athlete, I compete in BJJ, so I have to make an effort of tracking what and how much I eat.

When I first started 531 I could eat around 3000 a day without putting on a huge amount of unnecessary fat. 18 months later I now eat 3900-4100 calories a day with the same result. 18 months ago I was 185lbs when, I’m 195lbs now.

Work hard, do the conditioning, the jumps, the throws, eat to win, and your metabolism is going to go through the roof.