[quote]LondonBoxer123 wrote:
[quote]SKELAC wrote:
[quote]rundymc wrote:
[quote]SKELAC wrote:
Blood choke out 1:40
Ah refreshing, finally a legitimate application for BJJ/grappling.[/quote]
I dont have any training in BJJ,but working the doors I did the same many times- its called blood choke in the bouncers circle and its a bread and butter of the profession.To tell you the truth,there is not much to it-once you get hold of the man and slip your forearm under his chin its game over.If they are aggressive,you choke them out.Once they come around,they are confused,scared and have no intent to fight.Anybody can do it.
Working the door,its much harder to handle someone trying to hit you or cut you with a bottle or glass.The its all out attack with anything you can get your hands on.[/quote]
Agreed. The bouncer did handle that very effectively. That said, I saw a guy get put in one of those headlocks from behind and he managed to move sidewys, grab the bouncer’s leg, and fall over on top of the bouncer onto the edge of the pavement. The kid got up and one of his mates stamped on the bouncer’s head before one of the other security lads came and laid him out. It’s obviously an effective technique against average joe, but as you say, someone going all out to glass you or smash your head in needs to be met with equivalent force. [/quote]
If the attacker was able to do that, then the bouncer did not position their body correctly and falling back back should have either wound up in the bouncer’s rear guard (which would have wound up with the attacker getting choked out just the same), or the bouncer wind up on top in rear mount (which is even worse).
Believe me when I say that someone who trains this stuff seriously and with a goal of real world use age will be prepared for pretty much any type of flailing or “primal” defensive tactics that someone might do against it.
-try to reach back and grab my leg? You won’t be able to because of the way that I will be positioning them.
-try to push me back over? You won’t be able to because I’ll have set up a “brace leg”, or just simply move backwards with you (if there is a wall or obstacle that prevents me from doing so I’ll use that for base).
-try to teach back and grab my genitals? You won’t be able to because my hips will be glued to your body and there won’t be any space for you to get to my genitals.
-try to reach up and gouge my eyes or claw my face? You won’t be able to because I’ll be putting downward pressure on your shoulders as well as keeping my head tucked into my arms (this also renders striking ineffective).
-try to reach up and peel or crank fingers? You won’t be able to because one of my hands will be down behind your neck and the other will be tucked into the bend in the opposite elbow.
-try to tuck your chin? Go right ahead. I’ll just attack your eyes and force you (through involuntary flinch response) to lift it so I can sink in the choke. Of course, I could always just jaw crush, face crush, or eye crush you if I wanted but those are more pain compliance maneuvers than true fight enders. If we are talking serious I could always just pull my arm out (raking across it with my fingers/fingernails in the process) while stabilizing your head/shoulders with the opposite hand/arm and blast you with some forearms to the occipital area and maybe a knee to the spine or kidneys and then make distance as well.
Really the only thing that you’re going to be able to do (unless you are very highly trained and can recognize the choke coming from very early (and even then it’s going to be tough and a fight) is to access a weapon (like a boot/pocket knife, firearm, Kubuton if you really know what you’re doing with it, or something else that is going to give you either serious life threatening damage capabilities, or immediate pain compliance properties) and use that. But you had better act quickly and decisively because you’ve only got a couple of seconds before you’re going unconscious.