Here’s a good clip of a bar fight, apparently from a Chicago niteclub:
That was sick!!!
The second guy dropped like a rock.
The headbutt reminded me of Vin Diesel in Knockaround Guys.
He sure didn’t stick around to chat. Funny how very few people on the right noticed anything. When usually a punch is thrown people scream and yell and everyone looks.
Without knowing anything else, it just looks like some clown just sucker-punched two guys. Wow. What a badass.
More like 3 seconds. It looks like the guy who got KOed started that shit too.
[quote]Kratos wrote:
Without knowing anything else, it just looks like some clown just sucker-punched two guys. Wow. What a badass.[/quote]
you dont have a clue how to streetfight dont you.
when you fight on the street you hit first ko them and then get the hell out of there because :
1-the police will come and you will go to jail
2-his friends knife or shoot you or 20 cousins and friends of his come and kick you ass.
[quote]M.B wrote:
Kratos wrote:
Without knowing anything else, it just looks like some clown just sucker-punched two guys. Wow. What a badass.
you dont have a clue how to streetfight dont you.
when you fight on the street you hit first ko them and then get the hell out of there because :
1-the police will come and you will go to jail
2-his friends knife or shoot you or 20 cousins and friends of his come and kick you ass.[/quote]
I know what you mean by 20 cousins or friends because it’s hard to get a fair 1 on 1 street fight without people jumping in. Either way a sucker punch is a sucker punch, no difference then a guy getting 20 cousins to jump someone else. It’s a real chicken shit way to handle yourself. When i was growing up if you knocked someone out with a sucker punch there was usually a rematch later and if you didn’t want to fight you can definitely count on getting jumped.
Atleast thats how it is in LA.
That guy wasnt super big or intimidating either. But he damn sure leveled people. The head butt was perfect because he pulled the target into him, while letting the head butt out. The sucker punch was very well placed also.
[quote]AndrewG909 wrote:
M.B wrote:
Kratos wrote:
Without knowing anything else, it just looks like some clown just sucker-punched two guys. Wow. What a badass.
you dont have a clue how to streetfight dont you.
when you fight on the street you hit first ko them and then get the hell out of there because :
1-the police will come and you will go to jail
2-his friends knife or shoot you or 20 cousins and friends of his come and kick you ass.
I know what you mean by 20 cousins or friends because it’s hard to get a fair 1 on 1 street fight without people jumping in. Either way a sucker punch is a sucker punch, no difference then a guy getting 20 cousins to jump someone else. It’s a real chicken shit way to handle yourself. When i was growing up if you knocked someone out with a sucker punch there was usually a rematch later and if you didn’t want to fight you can definitely count on getting jumped.
Atleast thats how it is in LA.[/quote]
thats how street fighters fight they always hit first we are not in kindergarden anymore life aint fair and a suckerpunch is your best weapon you are very naive and clearly do not have street fighting experience.
[quote]Kratos wrote:
Without knowing anything else, it just looks like some clown just sucker-punched two guys. Wow. What a badass.[/quote]
Where was the sucker punch? The dude got called out. Took care of that dude and then another guy grabbed his shoulder, so he punched him out too.
This isn’t Old England where you schedule a dual at dawn. That guy was justified and his actions would stand in court.
Not a badass? He knocked two dudes out in seconds. I’d say he is a badass that was defending himself.
that headbutt was rediculous. That wasn’t a sucker punch, the guy was already grabbing onto him.
That shit was funny and justified. Thought it was a gay club at first, took a while to find some chicks in the vid.
Feel bad about the second dude who got Ko’d.
You guys see the white chick he was defending. She just stood there playing with her hair as the guy ran off.
But now that I watch the second guy get knocked out, it just looks even funnier. It looks like slow motion.
“hey, man, what the fuck”
watches white dude pull his fist back and smash him in the face
With some of the physical violence against innocent people that gets posted on this site, I find it refreshing to see the jackass who was looking to start the fight get his face smashed in with a headbutt.
I don’t see anything “cheap” going on there. The guy looked to be clearly outnumbered, he knocked out 2 guys and got the hell out of there.
Looks like good survival instincts if you ask me.
I love how he stops to finish his drink before the confrontation.
[quote]Bauer97 wrote:
With some of the physical violence against innocent people that gets posted on this site, I find it refreshing to see the jackass who was looking to start the fight get his face smashed in with a headbutt.
I don’t see anything “cheap” going on there. The guy looked to be clearly outnumbered, he knocked out 2 guys and got the hell out of there.
Looks like good survival instincts if you ask me. [/quote]
I would like to know when and where these “cheap shots” some of you are metioning are. This first guy he headbutt’d in the face and the other he coldclocked after the guy grabbed him. What is he supposed to do? Tell them when he is going to hit them?
Anywho, to me it looked like he nailed the first guy cause he was trying to get on his woman. Yet after he does the damage he hauls ass outta there while the girl stands there and plays with her hair. WTF?
[quote]Bauer97 wrote:
I don’t see anything “cheap” going on there. The guy looked to be clearly outnumbered, he knocked out 2 guys and got the hell out of there.
Looks like good survival instincts if you ask me.[/quote]
I wonder what his girl thinks of his instincts? He just left her there! I’ll just hope she wasn’t his formal girlfriend.
[quote]Bauer97 wrote:
I don’t see anything “cheap” going on there. The guy looked to be clearly outnumbered, he knocked out 2 guys and got the hell out of there.
Looks like good survival instincts if you ask me. [/quote]
Amen. On a side note - I don’t know why, but the more I watched the video, the more I want to bust out laughing at the second KO.
“You got knocked the fuck out”
What do you want to bet that guy is/was a wrestler?
The second guy who got KO’d was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He learned to keep his distance in the future though.
that was perfect…and there was nothing cheap about it. why run your mouth? act and get the hell out of there. thats what he did…again, perfect.