I have heard it quite a few times now that when you plateau you must either change the routine or else change the exercise you are stalling on. ( DoggCrapp training for example advocates this change most vociferously )…
However I have only a few exercise movements that I really feel comfortable with and would hate to change them even if I have stopped progressing on them. One of these movements is the Military Press. It used to be my favourite exercise but I haven’t been able to up the reps nor the weight much in over half a dozen workouts.
I don’t want to ditch the exercise so what would be the merit of maybe lowering the weight( to maybe sixty to seventy percent of that which I have currently stalled on ) and trying to progress at this new starting weight albeit with a higher rep count. After I stall on that I could try revisiting the heavier weight and see if I can progress. Any thoughts?