
Well, I finally broke down and bought some straps to use on my back days. I’ve heard about people using these things too much so I’ve tried to stay away from them, but I thought they might help me increase my chin-ups. Anyway, since I’ve never used straps, I was wondering how to use them properly. Any advice will be appreciated.

Stay away from the straps as much as you can. Use them very sparingly. When you do use them, save them for the very last set of a heavy back exercise like barbell rows, deadlifts, chins. Do some hard working sets without them, and save that last set for the straps with a real heavy weight that you wouldnt be able to hold witout some support. Training without straps are great cause it helps build your grip. But using them periodically like described, can also help cause u will be using more weight than your hands alone can handle and work the back with real heavy weight.

If you’re talking actual function of the straps, loop the strap through the hole, slide it over the wrist so the loop part is on your palm and the stap end coming out oof the loop goes across your palm, between the index finger and thumb. When applying them to the bar, go under the bar with the strap and wind it around the bar toward you and toward the middle of the bar. Use a wrist twist similar to revving up a motorcycle to tighten. Hope this was what you meant or I just sounded like a blabbering idiot.

I tend to use straps starting the first working set after my warm-up. I know a lot of guys will not use at all, or wait till the weight is too heavy. I personally don’t do this because the proper stimulation of the muscle I’m working is more important than grip strength. If I’m working back with a heavy weight, and my hands give out before the muscle is properly stimulated, it defeats the purpose. I work grip and forearms seperately, and it’s worked great.

I’m with Mike. I stayed away from them for a long time because everyone said not to use them. I work my forearms and grip with other exercises,(Captains of Crush work great.) My weights have gone up and my back has grown. I use the Sheick brand straps with the dowel rod-type ends on them for a more secure grip.