Strange Feats of Strength

Just wondered if anyone has ever witnessed any strange/odd feats of strength. There used to be this guy that worked for my dad in a gravel pit, guy was STRONG and didn’t know his strength, twisted off a lug nut on a truck once with a 1 inch drive break bar.

I wish i knew how to become really strong.
Fuck i wish i was raised on a boulder farm in siberia.

The only tool i would have would be a spoon.


Well, the stranges thing I’ve seen in the gym that I workout in is a gymnastboy. once when he did dips he pressed upp to a headstand and did pushups on it. this was 1.5 meter up through the air. another time the same boy did a muscle up to a strong guy in the gym and then did a handstand on his hands.

Nothing that is truly extraordinary but I see this as a strange feat of strength. I guese that this was not the kind of strange feat you where looking for but I had nothing else to share :\ :slight_smile:

Saw a guy jump with cable fly machine on to a bosu ball, then hilarious part was some random gym dude tried and nearly dislocated his shoulder. It was like a half bosu ball thing, and it kind of looked like he was sligshoting himself, he would curl back do a squat then jump forward onto the ball. Looked stupid and was pointless, but was probably hard none the less.

Some of the coolest things I’ve seen is some 5’2 asian must have been 100lbs looked like he never lifted in his life-had big clothes on, so hard to tell how muscular he was-. Load up 300lbs on the front squat and go atg with an insanely narrow stance.

Another was some chick load up around 700lbs on the leg press next to some random high school kid doing around 300lbs making stupid grunts, then proceeded to do better reps then him with more then double the weight. She was super hot too, pretty muscular though.

[quote]DragnCarry wrote:[/quote]

From the above site:

Is it so wrong for two men to clean and jerk together?

In a word…yes

^^ But don’t they look happy? And isn’t that what it’s all about.

Maybe they will share a snatch later?

[quote]DragnCarry wrote:
^^ But don’t they look happy? And isn’t that what it’s all about.

Maybe they will share a snatch later?[/quote]


Never do olympic lifts but I do a variation of the clean & jerk, I call it the Jerk, then clean.