Stevia While in a Fat Loss Phase?

What’s is your opinion on stevia during a fat loss phase ?
Thankyou Aaron

Zero problem. I use a lot of it when dieting

related to this…what u think about actual suger durin cutting for 2b? i do it and scale going down but idk if its wrong… i do that to my coffee only

Well, if you take 10 coffees that will give you a lot of sugar :slight_smile:

But it’s really all about quantity. If you take one packet of sugar per day that’s like 5g and it’s nothing, so that’s okay.

If you are taking 4 packets a day it will start to have a slight negative impact

More than that can slow down the process

If it’s taken with a coffee before training that is less damaging

Thankyou for the reply

isnt sugar pre wkeourt means more insulin meanns less cristriol?

Yes it does. What is your point? You want to decrease cortisol to build more muscle.

i thought less cortisol means less growth Hermos per workout!?

Any recommended sugar substitute besides Stevia without the aftertaste?

No correlation. In fact both have a similar function: increasing blood sugar level. So if you spike cortisol more, you often will rise GH less.

Some people do believe that cortisol increase GH because they are often both present in the same situations (when blood sugar levels are low) but cortisol does not release GH.

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