I had a problem with blood clots a year ago and I am now on 8mg of coumadin a day, and will be on for the rest of my life. Now, I want to create a nice mass building supplement cycle. I’m putting something together even as I write this, including 1-AD, Mag-10, 4-AD, and perhaps even Finasol. And yes, I know that 1-ad(-ec) and 4-ad are in Mag-10.
My question is this: while I’m creating this supplement stack through research and shopping, I want to run a cycle of M1T. I want to do:
wk1 - 10mg M1T
wk2 - 10mg M1T
wk3 - 6-oxo or Tribex/Alpha Male
wk4 - 6-oxo or Tribex/Alpha Male
wk5 - 15mg M1T
wk6 - 20mg (or just 15) M1T
wk7,8,9,10 - 6-oxo or Tribex/Alpha Male
Given my condition, should I still use this cycle? Some docs said no steroids no prohormones when I was in the hospital, but then again I haven’t mentioned it to them since. But for those that know, can I do this with my condition? Thanks. Let me know if I’ve not provided enough info (like the details about the blood conditions themselves).
Try a search for Dr. Wong and contact him about your clotting situation and ask him for any info on enzyme therapy that could be used in place of the thinner. If you are able to switch then juice up!
Although I don’t currently use it (but I may give it another go around), the home page for World Nutrition’s Vitalzym has an advisory board of at least one physician who may also be of help.
Usually dosages of Warfarin have been meticulously set by monitoring INR (clotting times)To ensure clotting times remain withing the safe range. Anabolic/Androgenic steroids can affect blood chemistry which can alter the clotting time of the blood. The most probable alteration would be an decrease in clotting time, that would leave you at risk for deep vein thrombosis, and Pulmonary embolism. My advice to you is that either you find a Doc who is willing to monitor your INR on a regular basis while on cycle or maybe rethink using steroids. P-22
I’m actually monitoring my INRs once a month. Unfortunately I only have one doctor that I can go do, due to the limitations on my student health insurance and the lack of availability of medical professionals in my area. I will check out the information in this post. One possibility I think is to go ahead and add 1 mg per day when on, knowing full well that I need to have my INR checked possibly as often as once every two weeks. Thanks for the responses.
I was on coumadin therapy a few years ago, tested INR every day for a week while we got the dosage set, then once a week after that. Warfarin is very nasty stuff, and I don’t think I would contemplate even a PS cycle while using it.
If I did anything that may impact clot time, once a week INR testing is the longest I’d go, but probably at least twice a week for the first couple weeks.
I personally wouldn’t even lift heavy while on Warfarin therapy, the increased risk of hemoragic stroke scared me to death.
I’ve been on Coumadin since 1993 when I was dignosed with Chronic/Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis in my right leg.
Although this is pretty late, I must say this…
I did use and try many different Prohormones while on Coumadin and I can tell you that it is tricky stuff. I found an increased tendency to get swollen/puffy and swelling or inflamation is a BIG problem when you have clots.
I used M for a while but that also increased my swelling and pain in my affected leg.
The prohormones will trick your body very easily. The sense of well being and strength to boot may make you unaware of any injuries in your affected area.
T boosters gave me an increase in T when tested but a decrease in my PT/PTT or INR.
I say, stick to Grow!, Power Drive and proper training.