Steroid to Increase Cardiovascularity

I coundnt’ find any information about steroids and cardio.
I heard some bicycle runners or swimmers often use steroids. what steroids can be helpful?

… I am sure there are more too

[quote]pprick wrote:
I coundnt’ find any information about steroids and cardio.
I heard some bicycle runners or swimmers often use steroids. what steroids can be helpful?[/quote]

Testosterone increases red blood cell count, so your body can utilize more oxygen with the increased hemoglobin. Of course, the size it could put on may cancel these benefits for an ultra-endurance athlete (???)

[quote]patricio2626 wrote:
pprick wrote:
I coundnt’ find any information about steroids and cardio.
I heard some bicycle runners or swimmers often use steroids. what steroids can be helpful?

Testosterone increases red blood cell count, so your body can utilize more oxygen with the increased hemoglobin. Of course, the size it could put on may cancel these benefits for an ultra-endurance athlete (???)[/quote]

Thats why not all would be recommend for endurance athletes, the increased size and water retention would probably negate the positive effects. Of course test + AI and a maintaince diet might work just fine

Running a TRT dose of testosterone, along with a steroid for the cardio purpose, Tbol etc would allow for things to remain normalish, despite shutdown.

Of course 19-nor compounds will be more tricky.

also, steroids at too high of a dosage will kill the cardio, no matter what kind. So, if you compete or whatnot don’t get roided out but at a moderate or low dose, I would think that steroids could help due to increased muscle mass

Steroids are sometimes used but I think what you may be referring to is EPO usage. It stimulates RBC count more directly.

So t-bol increases oxygen delivery? I would have thought it would make things slightly worse, like d-bol.

I have a buddy that uses winstrol. I can’t tell you if there’s anything documented, but he used to suck at running. He cut a little over a minute off his 2 mile time.

I have also been looking for a cardiovascular enhancing steroid to stack with cycle I’m working towards this summer. Guess it’s one of those things that’s a “find what works for you.”

Anavar does wonders for Cardio!

A lot of endurance athletes use EPO - Erythropoietin which vastly increases red blood cell count. If this is congruent with better cardio I cant say because I have never looked into it.

I do think your question is a bit like asking what is the best drug for strength, while there may be various compounds that can assist your goals better than others realistically it all comes down to training and diet. Unlike what some people my think there is no drug that replaces the need for hard work and commitment.


[quote]crashball wrote:

I do think your question is a bit like asking what is the best drug for strength, while there may be various compounds that can assist your goals better than others realistically it all comes down to training and diet. Unlike what some people my think there is no drug that replaces the need for hard work and commitment.


We have a winner!!

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
crashball wrote:

I do think your question is a bit like asking what is the best drug for strength, while there may be various compounds that can assist your goals better than others realistically it all comes down to training and diet. Unlike what some people my think there is no drug that replaces the need for hard work and commitment.


We have a winner!![/quote]

It seems that just about everyone is using EPO nowadays… this is F*ing hilarious:

[quote]BulletproofTiger wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
crashball wrote:

I do think your question is a bit like asking what is the best drug for strength, while there may be various compounds that can assist your goals better than others realistically it all comes down to training and diet. Unlike what some people my think there is no drug that replaces the need for hard work and commitment.


We have a winner!!

It seems that just about everyone is using EPO nowadays… this is F*ing hilarious:

Chicago Tribune: Chicago news, sports, weather, entertainment - Chicago Tribune [/quote]

He wasn’t using EPO he was using a masking agent. It seems he was doing it unintentionally, as I think even a retarded child would see that billiards is not improved by EPO use.

If it went down as the article said, then I think he was wrongly punished because prescription meds, if used with a doctors prescription, should be allowable. I think this is a case of the controlling body being assholes, along with the player being scatterbrained and not doing due diligence.

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
…It seems he was doing it unintentionally, as I think even a retarded child would see that billiards is not improved by EPO use.

If it went down as the article said, then I think he was wrongly punished because prescription meds, if used with a doctors prescription, should be allowable. I think this is a case of the controlling body being assholes, along with the player being scatterbrained and not doing due diligence.[/quote]

Yeah, just the media trying to make a big fuss out of performance enhancing drugs, when in actuality there was nothing. I can’t believe the controlling body would even punish or test for EPO use!? I mean wtf? in billiards?? Unfortunate for him, but I got a kick out of it.

[quote]pprick wrote:
I coundnt’ find any information about steroids and cardio.
I heard some bicycle runners or swimmers often use steroids. what steroids can be helpful?[/quote]

EPO which is not a steroid but is is a favorite in endurance sports cause of the increase in the red blood cells much like that veternary drug. There is no prof that steroids have effect on performence and how mcuh.

W/ epo…just make sure that you don’t take it for too long yo, it’s more of a drug for peaking before a competition. If used for too long, epo can damage the heart b/c it makes your blood thicker than it should be.

W/ steroids…too much can be bad for cardio, b/c they stiffen the blood vessels and arties a bit, so the no endurance thing isn’t just b/c of bigger size. My advice would be to try steroids but don’t go overboard w/ them or your endurance will suffer.

[quote]SPQA wrote:
I have a buddy that uses winstrol. I can’t tell you if there’s anything documented, but he used to suck at running. He cut a little over a minute off his 2 mile time.

I have also been looking for a cardiovascular enhancing steroid to stack with cycle I’m working towards this summer. Guess it’s one of those things that’s a “find what works for you.”[/quote]

A steroid like that will work if training is correct as they increase strength (not size) and this can be muscular endurance too…

It isnt necessarily an increase in the CV system, more a better performance from the muscles.


I would even say good ol fashioned winstrol.
It does wonders for my cardio.

[quote]chicktuna wrote:
There is no prof that steroids have effect on performence and how mcuh.[/quote]