I have been working on my bench press set up and staying arched and tight. I have no problems if I am doing a heavy single. But with reps I find it very hard to stay tight. I feel like every time that the bar goes up my shoulder blades spread a little bit. By the 4th or 5th rep I am pretty much flat backed.
Is this a normal problem or is there an issue with my technique that I should work on?
If you can stay tight for 1 rep, work on it for two reps, then 3, then 4. YOU are responsible for YOUR body’s performance. So yeah, you have something to work on.
FWIW, I had this same problem. I had to lower the weight to maintain good form. Then as it all started ‘clicking’ I increased the weight. Before long I was GTG up to 5 reps, after that I’d still get loose but not bad. It’s very difficult to stay solid when taking max weights for a ride.
Video yourself with your phone or whatever. watch it after each set. It’ll tell you stuff that you can’t see laying on the bench.
I have this problem is well and I’m still yet to find a solution. I find that if I don’t full lock out on reps its not too bad but a full lockout results in me “overpressing” and shoulders come forward
[quote]Destamoon wrote:
I have this problem is well and I’m still yet to find a solution. I find that if I don’t full lock out on reps its not too bad but a full lockout results in me “overpressing” and shoulders come forward[/quote]
Yes, I have noticed that a lot of people “overpress” they actr like they have to push the bar as far away as humanly possible when all they need to do is extend util the arms are straight.
I would practice this with an empty bar a couple hundered times. Learn to feel what it feels like. Then start adding weight to the bar slowly. Over pressing should not be an issue. This is a sloppy bad habit that must be erased.
Not a powerlifter, and I bench basically flat bacaked with a closer grip, but here’s some things that have helped me: pinching my traps into the bench, taking in a big breath of air and holding it throughout the set, bracing my abs before I get the bar outta the rack and keeping them “flexed”, and never going more than 4/5ths lockout unless I have to. No idea what I max right now, but can hit 275 a few times at about 175. Hope this helps.
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
Not a powerlifter[/quote]
we can fix that…
Do you have equipment to set up a reverse band bench setup?
If so, set it up with a heavy band on an empty bar. Having to row the bar down to your chest will help you learn to stay tight.
If you don’t have a rev band set up, you can do the same thing with a slingshot and an empty bar. The slingshot on its own helps me stay tight ESPECIALLY on reps. The first few times I used one, my upper back was TORCHED after a bench session.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
If so, set it up with a heavy band on an empty bar. Having to row the bar down to your chest will help you learn to stay tight.
You know, I have totally forgotten about this kind of stuff. I’m going to do these next bench day. Thanks RRJC
[quote]StrengthDawg wrote:
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
Not a powerlifter[/quote]
we can fix that…[/quote]
Haha, if I can ever get my knees right again and get my squat back up I’d be down.