I’ve been a long time browser of TN, but rarely post anything.
I wanted to see if I might be able to find some strong women to help me stay motivated as I just started low carb dieting and am aiming to lose another 30lbs.
I was blessed for the longest time not to have to watch what I ate but when I hit 26 that all changed and I’ve been dancing with dieting for some time now. I think I really was first in denial of the weight and then pissed I was going to have to deprive myself. I landed on low carbing and I’m keep myself accountable by blogging about it. gettingtothemeatofit.wordpress.com
I’m in week 3 and down 12lbs. But, I have day where I think, oh calorie counting will work I don’t need to do this. Of course I remind myself of the big 3.
- I sleep like a baby now and I never done that in my adult lift
- I’m less of a bitch because my hypoglycemia is under control since my blood sugar doesn’t crash
- My energy level is awesome.
My latest challenge is finding creative recipes. Right now I’m trying to stick to 25-30g of carbs a day. I started lifting again my routine is 5 sets of 5 at the heaviest weight I can do without losing form on the last set. Squats or Dead Lifts, Lat pull downs or assisted pull-ups (I’m too wimpy right now to do on my own) and chest press.
I’m looking for some ideas to set goals that are not related to the scale so on those days I have doubts i can remember all the other goals. Any ideas?
Age- 31
Weights: Squats 55lbs, lats - 70lbs, chest press 40lbs
Age - Never get older
Female - would like to stay
130-135 lbs - basically until I look like I can kick your ass
5’8" - No shrinkage please.
All ideas welcome! Thanks.