My Free T level is actually higher on this test. The first test taken two weeks ago showed a 8.2L.
I don’t think my endo has many patients needed T therapy. My symptoms have been occurring for nearly a decade. It’s every symptom I read about on the Harvard Medical Group, so she finally agreed to take a test. She couldn’t believe the first test, so she retested me.
Tomorrow I will start Testosterone Cypionate 200/mg/ml + DHEA 10mg/1ML at .3 ml twice per week. Additionally, HCG 5000iu/100mg Theanine injection at .3ml twice a week mixed with 5 ml of bactiosectric water.
Lastly, she’s having a compound pharmacy creat troches containing pregnenolone 50mg and Oxytocin.
I’ve spent so many years in the gym without adding much muscle mass. Do you think this combo will help me increase mass? Any particular workout regime recommended? I’m a former rugby player and my legs are already huge. Its the upper body mass I’ve lost this last decade. I’m 45,6’1, 225lbs with 25% body fat.
No, this will not work, protocol is all wrong, HCG increases estrogen and you have no natural buffer to bind any of it, meaning most will be free and bioavailable and will create estrogen dominance. SHBG binds sex hormones, insulin and even thyroid hormones meaning the majority of your hormones will be free and bioavailable and you will not need very high Total T.
You are on a path to suffering if you continue forward with this protocol. I have never seen a protocol like this work for a man with extremely low SHBG. Low SHBG men do not really bind T very well which is why low SHBG men need very frequent injections, otherwise levels will decline fast between injections.
TRT decreases SHBG is just about everyone, smaller doses lessons the impact on SHBG. You will need injections every day do in part to your low SHBG or I expect you to struggle on TRT. I do not see much in the way of thyroid testing, Free T3 is the only active thyroid hormone, Free T3 (not Free T4) provides energy to every cell, organ in your body and increase SHBG of which I noticed yours is extremely low.
Thank you for your insight. I will discuss with my doctor tomorrow and hold off beginning therapy for now. I’m also searching for a more experienced endo at the CU Medical Center in Aurora, CO. Hopefully I can find someone with more experience at a teaching university.
Do you feel it’s possible I could be living with these levels for nearly a decade? As I mentioned earlier, I never thought to ask for this test until I began doing some research online questioning symptoms I have been writing off as aging and stress related.
Right there you are looking for a type of doctor that doesn’t typically specializes in this area of medicine, there is no doctor in managed healthcare that specializes in TRT because sex hormones is excluded and ignored in medical school.
The doctor that specializes in this area of medicine are private in anti-aging and sports medicine.
It is possible. Good thing you got around into looking into this. I’ll second the above suggestion to avoid hCG. Unless you are actively trying to conceive (are you?) or concerned with potential testicular atrophy, there is no need for it.
I’d be fine with the twice weekly dosing to start, you can always inject more often if you need it.
Good luck, you ae going to feel so much better once your program is ironed out. You’ll lose some fat and add muscle.
Hi @EPTrailColo, I live in Colorado. Let me save you a bunch of time, $$$ and frustration.
Google Defy Medical and give them a call. There is no one in Colorado that really does TRT the right way.
While you are waiting you could ask your current doc for 100mg/wk. No AI no HCG for now. This will be much better than where you are now. On 100 a week no one has E2 issues that require anastrozole.
Defy will give you a script for everything. You can brouse their pharmacy from their website to see all that is offer like cialas, peptides to help hrowth hormones, etc.
Hopefully she will let you do your own shots. As for 27ga 1/2 easy touch syringes and google subQ injections. If not I just tell her thanks but no thanks and make that call.
Thanks hrdlvn. I did some research a few hours ago and found a new competitor of theirs called that just opened in Colorado. They started in California and have fairly positive reviews online.
I could not find any pricing.
Come to your home or office to take your blood and vitals, wow this interesting.
You realy should compare pricing before signing on the dotted line. Some of these TRT places can get quite expensive. Good Luck
Something to consider/discuss with your doc: I believe it’s generally best to start with a minimalist approach and adjust as you go.
Beginning treatment with six different medications from Day One is opening the door to a bunch of variables all at once, making it that much more difficult to manage.
These doctors you speak of are in the minority, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack and hardly worth the time to locate one. I have found some to be more educated than others, but still prescribing 150-200mg every 2 weeks and know better.
If you’re one of those guys with an HMO, you are basically screwed!
I will however change my posts to reflect better accuracy.
I took your advice in administering small dosages of T daily because my SHBG was so low back to my Endo. She didn’t think that would make much of a difference, but approved 200mg/ml weekly administered every other day in smaller dosages if I was willing to prick myself that often. She wanted me to continue the HCG dosages as prescribed twice a week.
I’m two weeks into T therapy and I’ve already experienced some noticeable improvements in the gym, in my sex drive, and in my general mood. My only complaint for now is the water retention. I’ll let you know what my peak and trough blood tests show in three months.
I may be experiencing a placebo effect two weeks in since I feel my incredibly low testosterone levels have gone undiagnosed for years. Perhaps nearly eight years. I’m looking forward to the physical changes I’ll be experiencing these next three months!!!
You’re welcome, very frequently injections do work very well for some people and I hope your endo will be open to suggesting it to other patients.
The water retention should subside, I usually get water retention during the first 6 weeks after increasing dosages. Those starting TRT might notice a little more water retention for a couple of months as your body adapts to TRT.
It’s crucial to eat healthy and stay away from salty foods.
Hopefully you are not splitting up 200mg EOD, how much T are you injecting?
If you are injecting 50mg EOD, this would be too high for most men and you need to start 25mg EOD.